Understanding Zeppelin Docker Parameters

There are a set of key parameters to use when running Apache Zeppelin containers. This includes parameters related to the connection port, bridge networking, specifying your MapR Data Platform cluster, enabling security through MapR ticketing, and enabling the MapR FUSE-Based POSIX Client.

The general syntax for running the Apache Zeppelin Docker image is the following:
docker run -it -p 9995:9995 \
    -e HOST_IP=<docker-host-ip> \
      -p 10000-10010:10000-10010 \
      -p 11000-11010:11000-11010 \
    -e MAPR_CLUSTER=<cluster-name> \
      -e MAPR_CLDB_HOSTS=<cldb-ip-list> \
    -e MAPR_CONTAINER_USER=<user-name> \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_PASSWORD=<password> \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_GROUP=<group-name> \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_UID=<uid> \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_GID=<gid> \
      -e MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION=<ticket-file-container-location> \
      -v <ticket-file-host-location>:<ticket-file-container-location>:ro \
    -e MAPR_MOUNT_PATH=<path-to-fuse-mount-point> \
      --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
      --cap-add SYS_RESOURCE \
      --device /dev/fuse \
      --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \
    -e MAPR_HS_HOST=<historyserver-ip> \
    -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR=<path-for-notebook-storage> \
    -e MAPR_TZ=<time-zone> \
Following is a sample command:
docker run -it -p 9995:9995 \
    -e HOST_IP= \
      -p 10000-10010:10000-10010 \
      -p 11000-11010:11000-11010 \
    -e MAPR_CLUSTER=my.cluster.com \
      -e MAPR_CLDB_HOSTS=,, \
    -e MAPR_CONTAINER_USER=mapuser1 \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_GROUP=mapr \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_UID=5000 \
      -e MAPR_CONTAINER_GID=5000 \
      -e MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION=/tmp/mapr_ticket \
      -v /home/mapruser1/mapr_ticket:/tmp/mapr_ticket:ro \
    -e MAPR_MOUNT_PATH=/mapr \
      --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
      --cap-add SYS_RESOURCE \
      --device /dev/fuse \
      --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \
    -e MAPR_HS_HOST= \  
    -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR=/mapr/my.cluster.com/user/mapruser1/notebook \
    -e MAPR_TZ=US/Pacific \

The following sections describe each category of parameters in more detail. Where appropriate, the descriptions reference the sample command.

For a list of all MapR-specific environment variables, refer to the MapR-Specific Environment Variables section at the end of this topic.

Connection Port

By default, the Zeppelin notebook runs on port 9995. To use a different port number, pass the ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT environment variable in your docker run command and specify the <port-number>:
docker run -it \
    -e ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT=<port-number> \
    -p <port-number>:<port-number> \ 
IMPORTANT If you are running on Mac, you must publish the container port by specifying -p <port-number>:<port-number> in your docker run command.

Bridge Networking

By default, Docker uses bridge networking. In general, bridge networking provides better isolation from the host machine and other containers.

You must set the HOST_IP environment variable, the -p 10000-10010:10000-10010 and -p 11000-11010:11000-11010 parameters when using bridge networking:
docker run -it \
    -e HOST_IP=<docker-host-ip> \
    -p 10000-10010:10000-10010 \ 
    -p 11000-11010:11000-11010 \ 

The <docker-host-ip> must be an actual IP address. If you are running the container on your laptop, you cannot specify localhost as the IP address.

Specifying the 10000-10010 port range reserves the range for the Livy launcher. If you are already using these ports for other reasons, use the LIVY_RSC_PORT_RANGE environment variable to specify a different range.

If you plan to use Spark interpreter, you must reserve the 11000-11010 port range for Spark. To reserve a different port range, use the SPARK_PORT_RANGE environment variable.

For example, the following command reserves two different sets of port ranges for Livy and Spark:
docker run -it \
    -e HOST_IP=<docker-host-ip> \
    -p 10011-10021:10011-10021 \
    -e LIVY_RSC_PORT_RANGE="10011~10021" \
    -p 13011-13021:13011-13021 \
    -e SPARK_PORT_RANGE="13011~13021" \ 
NOTE Use tilde (~) rather than dash (-) when specifying the range with the LIVY_RSC_PORT_RANGE and SPARK_PORT_RANGE environment variables.
If you prefer to use host networking, specify the following parameter in your docker run command instead:
docker run -it \
    --network=host \
    -e HOST_IP=<docker-host-ip> \
NOTE You do not need to reserve port ranges when using host networking.

See https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/networking/ for more details about Docker networking.

MapR Clusters

Identify the MapR cluster you want your container to access by specifying the name of your MapR cluster and a comma separated list of the IP addresses of the cluster's CLDB nodes. The following specifies three CLDB nodes:
docker run -it \
    -e MAPR_CLUSTER=my.cluster.com \
    -e MAPR_CLDB_HOSTS=,, \

MapR Ticketing

If your MapR cluster is secure, you need a copy of the MapR ticket on your local host so you can specify a mount point in your docker run command. This makes the ticket visible to the Zeppelin container. The sample command shown earlier uses MapR tickets.

To determine whether your cluster is secure, view the contents of the file /opt/mapr/conf/mapr-clusters.conf on your MapR cluster. For example, the following shows a secure cluster:

my.cluster.com secure=true ip-172-24-11-84

If your cluster is secure, follow these steps to make the ticket visible to the Zeppelin container:

  1. Generate a service ticket for the container user by following the instructions at Generating a Service Ticket.
  2. Copy the generated ticket file to your local host machine. This is your source ticket file.
  3. Change the owner and group on your source ticket so it matches the UID and GID in the ticket file.
  4. Specify the source ticket path in the Docker mount point, as described in the table below.

The table lists the parameters related to MapR tickets and their values in the sample command:

Parameter Sample Parameter Value Details
MAPR_CONTAINER_USER mapruser1 The only user who can access the notebook
MAPR_CONTAINER_PASSWORD SeCreTpAsSw0 The password you use to log in to your Zeppelin notebook. This password does not need to match the password in your MapR cluster. If not specified, it defaults to the value of MAPR_CONTAINER_USER.
MAPR_CONTAINER_GROUP mapr Name of the container user's group
MAPR_CONTAINER_UID 5000 UID of the container user; must be consistent with the value in the ticket file
MAPR_CONTAINER_GID 5000 GID of the container user; must be consistent with the value in the ticket file
MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION /tmp/mapr_ticket Location of the ticket file in the container
-v <ticket-file-host-location>:<ticket-file-container-location>:ro -v /home/mapruser1/mapr_ticket:/tmp/mapr_ticket:ro Docker mount point for the source and destination of your ticket file

  • Source ticket file
  • Location of the ticket file on your local host
  • Destination ticket file
  • Location of the ticket file in the container
  • Must match the value of the MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION parameter

See Security Considerations for the MapR PACC for further information.

FUSE-Based POSIX Client

With the FUSE POSIX Client for File-Based Applications, you can access the MapR File System using POSIX shell commands instead of Hadoop commands. To do so, you must specify the MapR File System mount point environment variable (MAPR_MOUNT_PATH) and other FUSE parameters in your docker run command. In the sample command shown earlier, the following are the relevant parameters and their settings:

Parameter Sample Parameter Value
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN
--cap-add SYS_RESOURCE
--device /dev/fuse
--security-opt apparmor:unconfined

All of these parameters are required except security-opt. You must specify security-opt if you are running on an Ubuntu host.

IMPORTANT You must have a MapR POSIX Client for Containers license on your MapR cluster to use the MapR FUSE-Based POSIX Client. Without a license, the MapR File System mount point you specified will be empty. You can confirm a missing license by checking for errors in /opt/mapr/logs/posix-client-container.log inside your container.

Pig, Livy, and Spark Interpreters

If you plan to use the Pig, Livy, or Spark interpreters, you should set the MAPR_HS_HOST environment variable to the IP address of your MapR cluster's HistoryServer:
docker run -it ... -e MAPR_HS_HOST= ...

This enhances the performance of those interpreters. If your MapR cluster does not have a HistoryServer, your Pig and Spark jobs will run, but they may perform poorly.

Notebook Storage

The environment variable ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR specifies where to store your notebooks. If you do not specify ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR, Zeppelin stores your notebooks in the directory /opt/mapr/zeppelin/zeppelin-0.8.0/notebook.

Storage Options

You can store your notebooks either in a MapR File System or your container's local filesystem:

MapR File System using the FUSE-based POSIX client

In the sample command shown earlier, MapR Data Science Refinery stores your notebooks in a directory named /user/mapruser1/notebook in the MapR File System using the FUSE-Based POSIX Client.

The example assumes your MapR filesystem mount point is /mapr and your cluster name is my.cluster.com:

docker run -it ... \
   -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR=/mapr/my.cluster.com/user/mapruser1/notebook ...
IMPORTANT You must specify the parameters used by the FUSE-Based POSIX Client. If Docker is unable to start the MapR FUSE-Based POSIX Client, you cannot open Zeppelin in your browser. Your browser will return the following error:
MapR File System without the FUSE-based POSIX client

Starting in MapR Data Science Refinery 1.3, you can store your notebooks in the MapR File System without using the MapR FUSE-Based POSIX Client. To use this option, specify the full MapR File System path in the ZEPPLIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR variable.

The following example is equivalent to the previous:

docker run -it ... \
   -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR=maprfs:///user/mapruser1/notebook ...
Local filesystem

To store your notebooks in your local filesystem, specify the container's local path in ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR:

docker run -it ... \
   -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR=/opt/mapr/notebook ...

Zeppelin Tutorial Notebook

If you set ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR, perform the following steps to enable access to the tutorial:

  1. Manually move the tutorial notebook from the default directory to your specified notebook directory.

    The following command to move the tutorial from the default location to the MapR File System path should be run from inside the container running Zeppelin:

    cp -r /opt/mapr/zeppelin/zeppelin-0.8.0/notebook/* /mapr/my.cluster.com/user/mapruser1/notebook/
    hadoop fs -put /opt/mapr/zeppelin/zeppelin-0.8.0/notebook/* maprfs:///user/mapruser1/notebook/
  2. After moving the notebook, make sure you reload your notebooks from storage by clicking on the icon circled in red below:

Python Version

By default, when you use Python with either the Livy or Spark interpreters, the interpreters use Python 2. Although you can run only one version of Python with MapR Data Science Refinery, you can switch to Python 3, by setting the PYSPARK_PYTHON environment variable to the absolute path of the Python 3 executable on your MapR cluster:

docker run -it ... -e PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3.6 ...

You can also install custom Python packages. See Installing Custom Packages for PySpark

Idle Interpreter Timeout Threshold

Starting with the 1.3 release, by default, MapR Data Science Refinery terminates interpreters that have been idle for one hour. To modify this idle timeout threshold, specify the ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_LIFECYCLE_MANAGER_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD environment variable. The parameter value is in milliseconds.

The following example sets the idle timeout to 10 minutes:

docker run -it ... \

If a Spark job terminates due to the Spark interpreter reaching the timeout threshold, the job shows a status of FAILED in the YARN UI.

Configuration Storage

By default, the following Zeppelin configuration files are stored in /opt/mapr/zeppelin/zeppelin-0.8.0/conf/:

  • interpreter.json
  • notebook-authorization.json

Starting with MapR Data Science Refinery 1.3, you can store these files in the MapR File System by specifying the ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_FS_DIR environment variable. You can also specify a local system for this variable.

The following shows sample commands for the three available options:

MapR File System using the MapR FUSE-Based POSIX Client

This example assumes your MapR File System mount point is /mapr and your cluster name is my.cluster.com:

docker run -it ... \
   -e ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_FS_DIR=/mapr/my.cluster.com/user/mapruser1/dsrconf ...
IMPORTANT You must specify the parameters used by the FUSE-Based POSIX Client to use this option.
MapR File System without the MapR FUSE-Based POSIX Client

The following example is equivalent to the previous:

docker run -it ... \
   -e ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_FS_DIR=maprfs:///user/mapruser1/dsrconf ...
Local filesystem

The following specifies a local filesystem path:

docker run -it ... \
   -e ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_FS_DIR=/opt/mapr/dsrconf ...

If all of the following apply, then you must restart all containers to enable the new configuration settings:

  • ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_FS_DIR is set to a MapR File System path
  • Multiple containers share the two configuration files
  • You make a change in either of the configuration files that requires a container restart

Default Drill JDBC Connection URL

The default Drill JDBC connection URL is jdbc:drill:drillbit=drillbitnode:31010. Starting with MapR Data Science Refinery 1.3, you can configure this default URL using one of the following two environment variables:



Comma separated list of Drillbit servers and optional port numbers.

Use if you want to connect to Drill through a Drillbit server. If you do not specify port numbers, they default to 31010.

Sample commands
docker run -it ... \
  -e MAPR_DRILLBITS_HOSTS=node1.cluster.com,node2.cluster.com ...

docker run -it ... \
  -e MAPR_DRILLBITS_HOSTS=node1.cluster.com:31010,node2.cluster.com:31010 ...
Resulting URL



Comma separated list of servers and optional port numbers in your Zookeeper cluster.

Use if you want to connect to Drill through a Zookeeper cluster. If you do not specify port numbers, they default to 5181.

Sample commands
docker run -it ... \
  -e MAPR_ZK_QUORUM=node1.cluster.com,node2.cluster.com,node3.cluster.com \

docker run -it ... \
  -e MAPR_ZK_QUORUM=node1.cluster.com:5181,node2.cluster.com:5181,node3.cluster.com:5181 \
Resulting URL

You should specify only one of the two environment variables. If you mistakenly specify both, MAPR_DRILLBITS_HOST takes precedence.

See Start the Drill Shell (SQLLine) for more information about the Drill JDBC connection URL. See Drill JDBC for more information about setting other options in your Drill JDBC connection string for MapR Data Science Refinery.

MapR-Specific Environment Variables

The following table lists all MapR-specific environment variables you can use in your docker run command. The second column contains a short description of each variable. The third column provides links to detailed descriptions, including situations where you need to use each variable.

Environment Variable Description Documentation Link
HOST_IP IP address of your Docker host machine Bridge Networking
LIVY_RSC_PORT_RANGE Port range reserved for the Livy launcher Bridge Networking

Running Multiple Zeppelin Containers on a Single Host
MAPR_CLUSTER Name of your MapR cluster MapR Clusters
MAPR_CLDB_HOSTS List of CLDB host IPs MapR Clusters
MAPR_CONTAINER_GID GID of the container user MapR Ticketing
MAPR_CONTAINER_GROUP Group name of the container user MapR Ticketing
MAPR_CONTAINER_PASSWORD Password used to log in to the container UI MapR Ticketing
MAPR_CONTAINER_UID UID of the container user MapR Ticketing
MAPR_CONTAINER_USER Name of the container user MapR Ticketing
MAPR_DRILLBITS_HOSTS Comma separated list of Drillbit servers for connecting to Drill Default Drill JDBC Connection URL
MAPR_HS_HOST IP address of your MapR cluster's HistoryServer Pig, Livy, and Spark Interpreters
MAPR_MOUNT_PATH Path of the mount point for the MapR File System FUSE-Based POSIX Client
MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION Location of the MapR ticket file in your container MapR Ticketing
MAPR_TZ Time zone inside the container Running the MapR PACC Using Docker
MAPR_ZK_QUORUM Comma separated list of servers in your Zookeeper cluster for connecting to Drill Default Drill JDBC Connection URL
PYSPARK_PYTHON Location of Python 3 executable on your MapR File System cluster Python Version
SPARK_PORT_RANGE Port range reserved for the Spark interpreter Bridge Networking

Running Multiple Zeppelin Containers on a Single Host
ZEPPELIN_ARCHIVE_PYTHON Path containing your archive with custom Python packages Installing Custom Packages for PySpark
ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_FS_DIR Path containing the following Zeppelin configuration files:
  • interpreter.json
  • notebook-authorization.json
Configuration Storage
ZEPPELIN_DEPLOY_MODE Set to kubernetes if running Zeppelin as a Kubernetes service Running MapR Data Science Refinery as a Kubernetes Service
ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_LIFECYCLE_MANAGER_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD Timeout threshold that determines when to terminate idle interpreters Idle Interpreter Timeout Threshold
ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR Location to store your Zeppelin notebooks Notebook Storage
ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT Port number for connecting to the Zeppelin UI Connection Port