Installing the S3 Gateway Using the Installer

Using the web-based Installer, you can install the S3 Gateway on the cluster.

You can install the S3 gateway during a new or incremental installation of Release 6.2 or later. The following option appears on the Version & Services page of the MapR Installer:

Object Store Gateway with S3-Compatible API (2.0.0)

Note these considerations for installing the S3 gateway using the Installer:
  • Installer 1.15 installs S3 gateway 2.0.0 with EEP 7.0.0 and 7.0.1.
  • If Enable NFS is specified, the Installer configures the S3 gateway to use NFS servers.
  • If Enable NFS is not specified, by default the Installer installs Loopback NFS (mapr-loopbacknfs-<version>) on all nodes in the cluster. If you later perform an incremental install to Enable NFS, the Installer uninstalls Loopback NFS and uses NFS servers to interface with the S3 gateway.
  • The S3 gateway:
    • Accesses the MapR file system through /mapr
    • Uses port 9000
    • Uses either the http or https protocol
  • You cannot upgrade S3 gateway 1.0.x to S3 gateway 2.0.0 manually or by using the Installer. Upgrades are not supported.

To install the S3 gateway manually, see Installing S3 Gateway. To learn more about managing and using the S3 gateway, see S3 Gateway.