Kafka REST Proxy 2.0.1

This section provides a HTTP method and URI summary of the Kafka REST Proxy for MapR-ES.

Table 1. Kafka REST Proxy Summary
HTTP Method URI Description
GET /topics Retrieves a list of topic names.
GET /topics/{topic: string} Retrieves metadata about a specific topic.
POST /topics/{topic: string} Produces a message into a topic.
GET /topics/{topic: string}/partitions

Retrieves a list of partitions for the topic.

GET /topics/{topic: string}/partitions/{partition_id: string} Retrieves metadata about specific partition in a topic.
POST /topics/{topic: string}/partitions/{partition_id: string} Produces messages to one partition of the topic.
GET /topics/{topic: string}/partition/{partition_id: string}/messages?offset={int}[&count={int}] Consumes messages from one partition of the topic.
GET /stream/{stream: string}/topics Retrieves a list of topics in a given stream.
POST /consumers/{group: string} Creates a new consumer instance in the consumer group.
POST /consumers/{group: string}/instances/{instance: string}/offsets Commits offsets for the consumer. Returns a list of the partitions with the committed offsets.
DELETE /consumers/{group: string}/instances/{instance: string} Destroys the consumer instance.

/consumers/{group: string}/instances/{instance: string}/topics/{topic: string} Consumes messages from a topic.