Kafka REST 2.0.1: POST /topics/{topic: string}/partitions/{partition_id: string}

Produces messages into a partition of a topic.


Depending on the configuration, the type of information retrieved has different behavior. See the streams.default.stream parameter in Kafka REST 2.0.1: Configuration Parameters.

Table 1. Response Behavior
Parameters Defined Response
streams.default.stream is defined Produces messages into a partition of MapR-ES topic. The user could pass fully qualified topic name or not. If a fully qualified topic name is not used, messages are produced into topics in the default stream path.
streams.default.stream is not defined Produces messages into a partition within MapR-ES topic. The user could only pass fully qualified topic name that contains stream path.
Table 2. Parameters
Parameters Description
topic_name (string) Topic to produce the messages to.
partition_id (int) Partition to produce the messages to.



Request Example

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json" --data '{"records":[{"key":"a2v5","value":"Y29uZmx1ZW50"}]}' "http://localhost:8082/topics/testtopic1/partitions/0"

Response Example
