Kafka REST 2.0.1: POST /consumers/{group: string}/instances/{instance: string}/offsets

Commit offsets for the consumer. Returns a list of the partitions with the committed offsets.


The body of this request is empty. The offsets are determined by the current state of the consumer instance on the proxy. The returned state includes both consumed and committed offsets. After a successful commit, these should be identical; however, both are included so the output format is consistent with other API calls that return the offsets.

NOTE: This request must be made to the specific REST proxy instance holding the consumer instance.
Table 1. Parameters
Parameters Description
group_name (string) The name of the consumer group.
instance_id (string) The ID of the consumer instance.



Request Example

curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/consumers/grouptest/instances/user/offsets

Response Example

The response JSON object is in the following form:
  • topic (string) – Name of the topic for which an offset was committed.
  • partition (int) – Partition ID for which an offset was committed.
  • consumed (long) – The offset of the most recently consumed message.
  • committed (long) – The committed offset value. If the commit was successful, this should be identical to consumed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
   {     "topic": "test",     "partition": 1,     "consumed": 100,     "committed": 100   },
   {     "topic": "test",     "partition": 2,     "consumed": 200,     "committed": 200   },
   {     "topic": "test2",     "partition": 1,     "consumed": 50,     "committed": 50   } ]