Hive 2.1.1-1808 (EEP 3.0.4) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, fixes, known issues, and limitations for Hive 2.1-1808.

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive 2.1.1 Release Notes or the Apache Hive homepage.

These release notes contain only MapR-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Hive Version 2.1.1
Release Date September 2018
MapR Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix (Pre-5.2 releases) and EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag


Maven Artifacts See Maven Artifacts for MapR.
Package Names Navigate to, and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names.

Feature Support

  • MapR supports Hive-2.1.1 on Tez-0.8.4. For more information, see Tez 0.8.4-1808 (EEP 4.1.2 and EEP 5.0.1) Release Notes.
  • MapR does not support Hive on Spark, so you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.
  • MapR does not support HDFS encryption in Hive tables.
  • MapR does not support HBase with Hive-2.1.1 starting from mapr-core-6.0.0.
  • MapR does not support LLAP with Hive-2.1.1 as Apache Slider is not a MapR ecosystem component.
  • Starting from Hive 2.1, Hive needs to run the schematool command as an initialization step.

New Features

  • Added the UPDATE operator for MapR Database JSON tables in Tez mode. For more information, see Understanding the UPDATE Statement.
  • Added the property with the default value as false. Set in the hive-site.xml file to create a database if the directory already exists.
    CAUTION Do not set the using the Hive CLI or Beeline because it will not take effect. To change the value, set it only in the hive-site.xml file and then restart Hive Metastore and HiveServer2.
  • You can configure JDBC connection string with SSL enabled or disabled. For more information, refer to Configuring JDBC Connection String with SSL Encryption Enabled or Disabled.
  • Implemented preserving configuration during package update. For more information, see Pre-Upgrade Steps for Hive.

Known Issues

  • MAPR-HIVE-302 - Cannot interact with Hive tables on postgresql after upgrade.
  • Vectorized execution is a new Hive feature that can show performance improvements in some cases and cause stability issues with others. The Hive vectorized execution features has many bugs in Hive 2.x so it has been disabled by default. It is recommended to turn off this feature at a system level and only use it for certain queries which work fine using it. You must evaluate the benefit of this feature against the potential stability issues on a case by case basis.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
288ce1a 2018-08-13 MAPR-HIVE-301: Avoided redundant creation of HiveConf object while creating transport object for connection
287ebc2 2018-08-08 MAPR-HIVE-300: Hive HCat does not create a proper "client" on MapR-SASL cluster without Hive metastore
192353c 2018-07-25 MSEN-11 Save file with newline at the end
60dd8cd 2018-07-10 MAPR-HIVE-272: HiveMapRDBJsonOutputFormat class must implement HiveOutputFormat interface
faad098 2018-06-25 MAPR-31641: Hive deletes failed queries with invalid table alias or column reference
977818f 2018-06-27 MAPR-31803 : Fix for Bug 30031 results in users not being able to create databases on existing location
603e327 2018-06-25 MAPR-HIVE-257: Insert overwrite from empty table do not overwrite data (only on Tez)
97ca25d 2018-06-01 MAPR-HIVE-223: NPE during CREATE ROLE using SQL Standard Based Hive Authorization
85e38e8 2018-05-24 MAPR-31380 HeartBeat thread uses cancelled delegation token while connecting to meta
64d6523 2018-05-21 MAPR-HIVE-228 : Throw an exception while trying to update column
2c3c929 2018-04-20 MAPR-31175: hive.exec.tmp.maprfsvolume should be false on Tez mode
ea822ac 2018-04-23 MAPR-HIVE-194: Hive-2.3 and Hive-2.1, JSON artifacts are not updated
346c8cb 2018-04-12 MAPR-27663: PidFilePatternConverter does not append the pid to the log name
a9fb431 2018-04-11 MAPR-HIVE-190: Log writes in two hive.log files instead of one
e839526 2018-03-27 MAPR-HIVE-174 : Implement UPDATE syntax for MapR Database JSON documents
f0eba10 2018-03-21 MAPR-30940: Hive job fails by AccessControlException against files on the NM local disk
4284798 2018-04-11 MAPR-30895: Tez jobs are shown as KILLED in RM UI
968bfa7 2018-04-02 MAPR-HIVE-189 : Set world-readable permissions for hive conf files

This release by MapR also includes the following backported issues. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
e650456 2018-07-10 HIVE-16114 : NullPointerException in TezSessionPoolManager when getting the session


HIVE-18393 : Error returned when some other type is read as string from parquet tables
93f18f3 2018-06-28 HIVE-16667 package.jdo changes to map DB CLOBs to JDO VARCHAR
ba76a6d 2018-06-21 HIVE-13000 : Hive returns useless parsing error
77f9699 2018-06-13 HIVE-17963: Fix for HIVE-17113 can be improved for non-blobstore filesystems
2b8244b 2018-06-12 HIVE-17113: Duplicate bucket files can get written to table by runaway task
d1e3bf2 2018-05-31 HIVE-17155: findConfFile() in has some issues with the conf path
ef66d89 2018-05-25 HIVE-15950 Make DbTxnManager use Metastore client consistently with callers
c5684fb 2018-05-25 HIVE-18879: Disallow embedded element in UDFXPathUtil needs to work if xercesImpl.jar in classpath
4eb174b 2018-05-25 HIVE-18815: Remove unused feature in HPL/SQL
160b723 2018-05-22 HIVE-18788: Clean up inputs in JDBC PreparedStatement
1937925 2018-04-11 HIVE-16133 : Footer cache in Tez AM can consume too much memory