Hive 2.1.1-1901 (EEP 4.1.3 and EEP 5.0.2) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, fixes, known issues, and limitations for Hive 2.1-1901.

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive 2.1.1 Release Notes or the Apache Hive homepage.

These release notes contain only MapR-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Hive Version 2.1.1
Release Date February 2019
MapR Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix (Pre-5.2 releases) and EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag


Maven Artifacts See Maven Artifacts for MapR.
Package Names Navigate to, and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names.

Feature Support

  • MapR supports Hive-2.1.1 on Tez-0.8.4. For more information, see Tez 0.8.4-1901 (EEP 4.1.3 and EEP 5.0.2) Release Notes.
  • MapR does not support Hive on Spark, so you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.
  • MapR does not support HDFS encryption in Hive tables.
  • MapR does not support HBase with Hive-2.1.1 starting from mapr-core-6.0.0.
  • MapR does not support LLAP with Hive-2.1.1 as Apache Slider is not a MapR ecosystem component.
  • Starting from Hive 2.1, Hive needs to run the schematool command as an initialization step.

New Features

  • Implemented preserving warden configuration files during package update.
  • Backported FallbackHiveAuthorizerFactory in the scope of CVE-2018-11777.

Changes in Security with Default Configuration

  • Added the following properties to the hive-site.xml configuration by default on a secured cluster:
    Table 1. Properties added by default to hive-site.xml
    Property Value mapr
    hive.conf.restricted.list,,,hive.server2.xsrf.filter.enabled, hive.exec.pre.hooks,, hive.exec.failure.hooks,hive.exec.query.redactor.hooks, hive.semantic.analyzer.hook,, hive.server2.session.hook true

Because and were added to default Hive configuration, some actions in Hive are restricted according to security best practices and CVE-2018-11777

The new class FallbackHiveAuthorizerFactory will do the following to mitigate the above-mentioned CVE-2018-11777:

  • Disallow local file location in SQL statements for all except the administrator.
  • Allow set only selected white list parameters.
  • Disallow dfs commands for all except the administrator.
  • Disallow ADD JAR statements for all except the administrator.
  • Disallow COMPILE statements for all except the administrator.
  • Disallow TRANSFORM statements.
For more information, see Action Restrictions with Fallback Hive Authorizer.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
3209ad7 2018-08-20 MAPR-HIVE-304 : Hive ignores .customSecure file presence
41a6f32 2018-08-21 MAPR-32194 : Hardcoded reference to hdfs in Hive
8e228c8 2018-08-20 MAPR-31529: GenericUDFNamedStruct should constant fold at compile time
e4f3809 2018-09-06 MAPR-31413: add "explain ast"
7817ec2 2018-10-01 MAPR-HIVE-294: Authorization issue while trying to obtain logs in HS2 Web UI
bb5b17d 2018-10-03 MAPR-HIVE-329 : Incorrect verification of customSecure parameter during hive
27aec85 2018-10-04 MAPR-HIVE-311 : Set up hive.conf.restricted.list configuration for clusters with MapR SASL security in scope of secure by default
e8748f62 2018-10-08 MAPR-HIVE-331 : Refactor conftool. Use enum instead of boolean for security variable
bc5dd15 2018-10-11 MAPR-HIVE-340 : should keep custom configs in warden.hs2/hivemeta.conf
603b40f 2018-11-12 MAPR-HIVE-379 : Warden services do not copy while running -R after update. Cannot run Hive after update
934573e 2018-11-23 MAPR-HIVE-346 : Use rename of files where it is possible instead of full copy during moving data from staging dirs
50f7d8b 2018-11-31 MAPR-HIVE-367 : Extend hive.conf.restricted.list configuration for clusters with MapR SASL security in scope of secure by default
7f14674 2018-10-16 MAPR-HIVE-385 : CVE-2018-11777: Blocking local resource access in HiveServer2
d68fc4c 2018-08-23 MAPR-HIVE-286: Error in TestVectorStringExpressions.TestVectorStringExpressions while running on Jenkins
aaa387e 2018-12-14 MAPR-HIVE-411 : ConfToolTest.restrictedListSecurityOffTest is failed in Hive-2.1


MAPR-HIVE-378 : Hive displays NULLS instead of Decimal values in external table (MapRDb Binary)
b87873d 2018-12-18 MAPR-HIVE-413 : Remove duplicates from ConfTool Junit tests
b680056 2018-12-20 MAPR-HIVE-389 : Develop the logic for preserving custom configuration in Hive warden.conf files
f2b21ca 2018-12-24 MAPR-HIVE-414 : Hive Metastore schema upgrade fails on MS SQL Database
3001d6d 2018-12-28 MAPR-HIVE-323 : Hive Metastore failed to start on Derby DB after running fresh -R
1f22ff5 2019-01-08 MAPR-HIVE-416: unable to apply custom security. .customSecure is ignored by Hive
d86903a 2019-01-09 MAPR-HIVE-395 : hive.warehouse.subdir.inherit.perms and hive.optimize.insert.dest.volume don't work on CTAS query

This release by MapR also includes the following backported issues. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
78665cef 2018-08-16 HIVE-15422: HiveInputFormat::pushProjectionsAndFilters paths comparison generates huge number of objects for partitioned dataset
652ad1c 2018-08-31 HIVE-16788: ODBC call SQLForeignKeys leads to NPE if you use PK arguments rather than FK arguments
3931127 2018-11-23 HIVE-20420: Provide a fallback authorizer when no other authorizer is in use
7686e68 2018-11-30 HIVE-14007. Replace hive-orc module with ORC 1.3.1
b0f8fb6 2018-12-17 HIVE-15841: Upgrade Hive to ORC 1.3.3
cda4352 2018-12-17 HIVE-17631 : upgrade orc to 1.4.1
6c7dc72 2018-12-17 HIVE-18558: Upgrade orc version to 1.4.2
5e70406 2018-12-17 HIVE-18674 : update Hive to use ORC 1.4.3
82dffa1 2018-12-17 HIVE-19465: Upgrade ORC to 1.5.0
f8b0139 2018-12-17 HIVE-19226: Extend storage-api to print timestamp values in UTC
04d746b 2018-12-17 HIVE-19669: Upgrade ORC to 1.5.1
6f31bba 2018-10-08 HIVE-18007 : Address maven warnings
f920681 2018-10-25 HIVE-18778: Needs to capture input/output entities in explain
4c176fe 2018-12-20 HIVE-17272: when hive.vectorized.execution.enabled is true, query on empty partitioned table fails with NPE

Known Issues

  • Vectorized execution is a new Hive feature that can show performance improvements in some cases and cause stability issues with others. The Hive vectorized execution feature has many bugs in Hive 2.x. It is recommended to turn off this feature at a system level and only use it for certain queries which work fine using it. You must evaluate the benefit of this feature against the potential stability issues on a case by case basis.

Resolved Issues

  • None.