Configuring JDBC Connection String with SSL Encryption Enabled or Disabled

You can configure a JDBC connection string with SSL encryption enabled or disabled.

SSL encryption to HiveServer2 is enabled (hive.server2.use.SSL=true)

The following table describes the JDBC connection string when SSL encryption is enabled between the Hive client and HiveServer2.

Table 1. JDBC connection string for hive.server2.use.SSL=true in the hive-site.xml file
Authentication Type JDBC Parameter Example
PAM ssl=true jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/default;ssl=true <login> <password>
MapR-SASL ssl=true jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/default;auth=maprsasl;ssl=true
Kerberos ssl=true jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/default;principal=<user/fqdn@EXAMPLE.COM>;ssl=true

SSL encryption to HiveServer2 is disabled (hive.server2.use.SSL=false)

The following table describes the JDBC connection string when SSL encryption is disabled between the Hive client and HiveServer2.

Table 2. JDBC connection string for hive.server2.use.SSL=false in the hive-site.xml file
Authentication Type JDBC Parameter Example
PAM -- jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/default; <login> <password>
MapR-SASL -- jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/default;auth=maprsasl
Kerberos -- jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/default;principal=<user/fqdn@EXAMPLE.COM