Installing Myriad

Describes Myriad requirements and installation.


IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.

The following table specifies the Myriad installation requirements.

Table 1. Myriad Installation Requirements
Requirement Description
Operating Systems
  • RedHat/CentOS 6.2, 6.6, and 7.0
  • Ubuntu 14.04
Myriad Requirements
  • JDK 7 or 8
MapR Minimum Requirements
  • MapR Core
  • MapR Zookeeper
  • MapR CLDB
  • MapR FileServer
  • MapR Webserver

The following table specifies the ports used by Myriad.

Table 2. Ports Used
Application Port
Mesos Master UI http://<hostname>:5050
Marathon UI http://<hostname>:8080
Myriad UI http://<hostname>:8192
NOTE The Myriad UI is available once a Resource Manager is launched.
NOTE If your environment has both Marathon and Spark installed on the same node, a conflict occurs because the default port for both is 8080. To resolve this conflict, change the port for one of the applications.

About this task

The Myriad installation is a manual installation where Apache Mesos is installed before MapR Myriad.


  1. Download and build Mesos and (optionally) Marathon. See for Mesos and for Marathon.
    IMPORTANT Install Apache Mesos on all node where resources will be shared. In addition, at least one (1) node should be running both Primary and Secondary installations and one (1) node running only Secondary installation.
  2. Download and deploy MapR Myriad.
    1. Download the Myriad 0.2 tarball. See for more information.
    2. Myriad 0.2-1710 Release NotesExtract Myriad from the tarball.
      tar -zxf mapr-myriad-0.2.tar.gz
    3. Deploy Myriad and configuration files.
      mkdir -p /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-{HADOOP_VERSION}/share/hadoop/myriad/lib
      ln -sf {PROJECT_HOME}/libs/* {HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/myriad/lib
      ln -sf {PROJECT_HOME}/conf/* {HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/
  3. On the Mesos primary node, install (as a minimum) Apache Mesos and the following MapR packages:
    On RedHat / CentOS
    yum -nogpgcheck install <package> <package>  ...
    On Ubuntu
    apt-get install  <package> <package> ...
  4. Install MapR Zookeeper on its primary node:
    The MapR mapr-zookeeper package can be installed on any node that is designated as its primary node. For example, on the Mesos master node:
  5. (optional) Install Mesos-DNS on its master node:
    Mesos-DNS can be installed on any node that is designated as its master. For example, on the Mesos master node. See
  6. On the Mesos secondary nodes, install (as a minimum) Apache Mesos and the following MapR packages.

Small Cluster Installation

The following example shows an installation on a CentOS6 operating system, a three (3) node cluster where one node is the master node for Mesos, Mesos-DNS, MaprR CLDB, and MapR Zookeeper, and two nodes are Mesos secondary nodes.

Download and build Mesos on all nodes.

Unpack and install Myriad from the tarball.

On the master node, install (as a minimum) Apache Mesos and the following MapR packages:

yum -nogpgcheck install
mapr-core mapr-fileserver mapr-zookeeper mapr-cldb mapr-webserver 

On the two Mesos secondary nodes, install (as a minimum) Apache Mesos and the following MapR packages:

yum -nogpgcheck install
mapr-core mapr-fileserver

What to do next

See Configure Myriad.