Step 1: Install the Package Key

Before you install MapR packages, you must install the package key.

About this task

MapR packages are cryptographically signed. Before you can install the packages, you must install the package key: maprgpg.key. For SLES only, you do not have to install the key because zypper allows package installation with or without the key.


To install the package key, issue the command appropriate for your Linux distribution:
IMPORTANT To access the Data Fabric internet repository, you must specify the email and token of an HPE Passport account. For more information, see Using the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.
  • CentOS/RHEL/Oracle Linux

    wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/maprgpg.key -q && rpm --import /tmp/maprgpg.key
  • Ubuntu

    wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/maprgpg.key -q && sudo apt-key add /tmp/maprgpg.key