Install HBase on a Cluster Node

The following instructions use the package manager to download and install HBase from the EEP repository to a cluster node.


For instructions on setting up the EEP repository, see Step 10: Install Ecosystem Components Manually.

About this task

Run the following commands as root or using sudo.


  1. On each planned HBase Master node, install mapr-hbase-master:
    • Ubuntu:
      apt-get install mapr-hbase-master
    • RedHat/CentOS:
      yum install mapr-hbase-master
    • SLES:
      zypper install mapr-hbase-master
  2. On each planned HBase RegionServer node, install mapr-hbase-regionserver:
    • Ubuntu:
      apt-get install mapr-hbase-regionserver
    • RedHat/CentOS:
      yum install mapr-hbase-regionserver
    • SLES:
      zypper install mapr-hbase-regionserver
  3. On all HBase nodes, run -R:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R