Hue Feature Support

The following table lists supported and unsupported Hue functionality:

Supported Not Supported

Query editors

  • Hive (for performing queries on Apache Hive)
  • Impala (for submitting interactive SQL and HiveQL queries)
  • DB Query (for viewing data in MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and Sqlite)
  • Pig (for submitting Pig scripts)
  • Job Designer (for creating and submitting MapReduce/Streaming/Java jobs)
  • Spark (beta feature for submitting Spark jobs for hue-3.9.0/3.10.0)
  • Drill (for performing queries on Apache Drill through JDBC) in hue-3.12

Data browsers

  • Metastore Tables (for managing databases, tables, and partitions of the Hive metastore)
  • HBase browser (for creating, editing, and searching tables)
  • Sqoop Transfer (for transferring bulk data between Hadoop and various types of structured datastores)


  • Oozie (for creating and running workflow and coordinator jobs)

Hue 4.X supports ADLS browser for accessing files and directories in Azure Data Lake Store.

S3 Browser (for accessing files and directories in Amazon S3)

File Browser (for accessing files and directories in MapR File System)

  • Job Browser (for accessing MapReduce applications)
  • User Admin (for adding, deleting, and managing Hue users and groups)

Hue integration with the following components is not supported:

  • Sentry 1.6, 1.7 on a secure cluster that uses MapR-SASL authentication.
    NOTE Sentry 1.6, 1.7 on a secure cluster that uses Kerberos authentication is supported.
  • Solr Search
  • Zookeeper