Configure Encryption without Authentication

About this task

Complete the following steps on each node where HiveServer2 is installed:


  1. In hive-site.xml file, set the following properties:
    Property Value
    hive.server2.use.SSL true
    hive.server2.ssl.keystore <path to keystore file>
    hive.server2.ssl.keystore.password <password>
    WARNING If you specify the password in the hive-site.xml file, protect the file with the appropriate file permissions. HiveServer2 automatically prompts for the keystore password during startup when no password is stored in the hive-site.xml file.
      <description>enable/disable SSL communication</description>
      <description>path to keystore file</description>
      <description>keystore password</description>
  2. Restart HiveServer2 to apply these changes.
    maprcli node services -name hs2 -action restart -nodes <comma separated list of nodes>