Configuring Inbound Impersonation

Administrators can configure inbound impersonation in the drill-override.conf file.

Complete the following steps to enable inbound impersonation:
  1. If user impersonation is not enabled, you must enable it before configuring inbound impersonation. To enable user impersonation, edit /opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version>/drill-override.conf and set the option to true, as shown:
          drill.exec.impersonation.enabled: true,
  2. Define inbound impersonation policies. For example, the following ALTER SYSTEM statement authorizes:
    • puser1 to impersonate any user (use * as a wildcard character)
    • puser2 to impersonate euser1 and all users in egroup2
    • all users in pgroup3 to impersonate all users in egroup3

      ALTER SYSTEM SET `exec.impersonation.inbound_policies`='[
        { proxy_principals : { users: ["puser1"] },
          target_principals: { users: ["*"] } },
        { proxy_principals : { users: ["puser2"] }, 
          target_principals: { users: ["euser1"], groups :  ["egroup2"] } },
        { proxy_principals : { groups: ["pgroup3"] },
          target_principals: { groups: ["egroup3"] } } ]';  
    Policy format:
    { proxy_principals : { users : ["...", "..."], groups : ["...", "..."] },
      target_principals: { users : ["...", "..."], groups : ["...", "..."] } }
  3. Ensure that the proxy user (application) passes the username of the impersonation target user to Drill when creating a connection through the impersonation_target connection property. For example, through sqlline:
    bin/sqlline -u "jdbc:drill:schema=dfs;zk=myclusterzk;impersonation_target=euser1" -n puser1 -p ppass1  
NOTE In this example, puser1 is the user submitting the queries. This user is authenticated. Since this user is authorized to impersonate any user, queries through the established connection are run as euser1.