Configuring Drill-on-Yarn on a Secure Cluster

If you intend to run Drill on YARN on a secure cluster, you must manually enable SASL for the Apache ZooKeeper client.

About this task

This task provides instructions on how to properly enable SASL for the Apache ZooKeeper client, allowing YARN to enable Apache Zookeeper authentication.

NOTE Zookeeper authentication is enabled by default on secure clusters with core releases 6.1.1, 6.2.0, and 7.0.0.


  1. Open the file in drill_home/conf. (If you use --site, then use your site directory).
  2. In DRILL_JAVA_OPTS, change -Dzookeeper.sasl.client from false to true.
  3. Export the new property:
    export SQLLINE_JAVA_OPTS="${SQLLINE_JAVA_OPTS} - -Dzookeeper.sasl.client=true