Sample Configurations

You can refer to the following sections, which contain blocks for the various required configurations using sample values.

Configuration for Supported NFS Protocols

To specify the supported NFS protocols, set the value for the NFS_Protocols parameter in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file. For example, for NFSv4 protocol, in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file, set the value for the NFS_Protocols parameter as shown (in bold) below.

        Plugins_Dir = /opt/mapr/lib;
        NFS_Protocols = 4;
        Clustered = false;
NOTE The only supported protocol is 4.

For NFSv4, the showmount command does not return the list of exported NFS shares.

Configuration for Mounting the Cluster

Add the MAPRFS block in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file as shown below.

  #Directory path where nfsv4 logs should be stored
  log_path = /opt/mapr/logs/nfs4;

  #Set number of readahead sessions
  ra_sessions = 5; 

  #Flush all writes inline
  flush_inline = true;

  #Optimize for local direct writes
  fast_local_directio = false;

  #Set security ticket file
  tkt_location = /tmp/maprticket_XXX;

  #Hearbeat interval for NFSv4 (in seconds)
  hb_interval = 5;

  #Request threshold, logs warning if any request takes more time (in seconds)
  req_threshold = 5;

Configuration for Exporting the File System

Modify the EXPORT block in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file as shown (in bold) below. The following sample block shows a standard configuration where the exported path and the actual path are the same.

     # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
     Export_Id = 77;

     # Exported path (mandatory)
     Path = /mapr;

     # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4)
     Pseudo = /mapr;
     Squash = No_Root_Squash;

    # Required for access (default is None)
    # Could use CLIENT blocks instead
     Access_Type = RW;

    # Security type (krb5,krb5i,krb5p)
     SecType = krb5;

    # Exporting FSAL
      FSAL {
      Name = MAPR;

NOTE If you change anything in the export block, restart NFSv4 service and remount the path.

Configuration for Pseudo Path

To mask the path to the volume from the client, set the pseudo path. For the pseudo path, you can specify a value that is different from the path parameter to hide the true path name. To hide the full path to volumes and/or directories, specify the complete path in the EXPORT block.

For example, modify the EXPORT block in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file as shown (in bold) below to mask the path and show only the name of the volume to the client. Note that the following sample block shows a pseudo path that is different from the exported path.

    # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
    Export_Id = 77;

    # Exported path (mandatory)
    Path = /mapr;

    # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4)
    Pseudo = /vol1;
    Squash = No_Root_Squash;

    # Required for access (default is None)
    # Could use CLIENT blocks instead
     Access_Type = RW;

    # Security type (krb5,krb5i,krb5p)
     SecType = krb5;

   # Exporting FSAL
      FSAL {
      Name = MAPR;


Configuration for Security

The NFS client to NFS Server can be secured using Kerberos. Before configuring Kerberos to work with MapR, modify the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file to specify the security type. For example, modify the EXPORT block in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file as shown (in bold) below.

    # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
    Export_Id = 77;

    # Exported path (mandatory)
    Path = /mapr;

    # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4)
      Pseudo = /vol1;
      Squash = No_Root_Squash;

    # Required for access (default is None)
    # Could use CLIENT blocks instead
      Access_Type = RW;

    # Security type (krb5,krb5i,krb5p)
    SecType = krb5;

    # Exporting FSAL
       FSAL {
        Name = MAPR;


The NFSv4 server uses the ticket in /opt/mapr/conf directory, if it is present, to secure communication between the NFS server and the MapR cluster.

Configuration for Clients

You can add a client block to the NFSv4 server configuration specifying the list of clients to which the export permissions apply. Clients may be specified by hostname, IP address, netgroup, CIDR network address, host name wild card, or simply "*" to apply to all clients. For example:
     # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
     Export_Id = 77;

     # Exported path (mandatory)
     Path = /mapr;

     # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4)
     Pseudo = /mapr;

    # Defining the clients who are allowed to export
     # Required for access (default is None)
     Access_Type = RW;
     Squash = No_root_squash;
     # Exporting FSAL
         Name = MAPR;

Configuration for NFS Ganesha Debug Logging

Add the following block in the /opt/mapr/conf/nfs4server.conf file.

    ALL = DEBUG;