Installing the MapR Client on CentOS, RedHat, Oracle Linux

This section describes how to install the MapR client on CentOS, RedHat, Oracle Linux.

  1. Remove any previous MapR software. You can use rpm -qa | grep mapr to get a list of installed MapR packages, then type the packages separated by spaces after the rpm -e command:

    rpm -qa | grep mapr
    rpm -e mapr-fileserver mapr-core
  2. Install the MapR package key. The package key must be installed before you can install MapR packages. For more information, see Step 1: Install the Package Key:

    IMPORTANT To access the Data Fabric internet repository, you must specify the email and token of an HPE Passport account. For more information, see Using the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.
    wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/maprgpg.key -q && rpm --import /tmp/maprgpg.key
  3. Install the MapR client for your target architecture:

    yum install mapr-client.x86_64
  4. To use this client with a secure cluster or clusters, copy the ssl_truststore file from the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the cluster to the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the client.

    If this client will connect to multiple clusters, merge the ssl_truststore files with the /opt/mapr/server/ tool. See Managing Secure Clusters for details on how to connect to a secure cluster.
  5. Run to configure the client. In the following examples, the -N parameter specifies the cluster name, the -c (lowercase) parameter specifies a client configuration, the -secure parameter is added if the cluster is secure, the -C (uppercase) parameter specifies the CLDB nodes, and the -HS parameter specifies the HistoryServer node. To ensure that the client can connect in the event of a CLDB node failure, all CLDB nodes are specified. For more information about the syntax, parameters, and behavior of, see

    Non-secure cluster example
    /opt/mapr/server/ -N -c -C mynode01:7222,mynode02:7222,mynode03:7222 -HS mynode02
    Secure cluster example
    /opt/mapr/server/ -N -c -secure -C mynode01:7222,mynode02:7222,mynode03:7222 -HS mynode02

    If the cluster was configured with a cluster-admin user:group that is different from the default mapr:mapr value, you must include options to specify the cluster-admin user and group information when you run to configure the client.

    If the cluster-admin user ID is present on the client node, include these options:
    • -u
    • -g
    If the cluster-admin user ID is not present on the client node, include these options:
    • -u
    • -g
    • --create-user | -a
    • -U
    • -G
    The following table describes each option:
    Option Description
    -u The user name under which MapR services run.
    -g The group name under which MapR services run.
    --create-user | -a Creates a local user to run MapR services, using the specified user either from the -u parameter, or from the environment variable $MAPR_USER.
    -U The user ID to use when creating $MAPR_USER with the --create-user or -a option; corresponds to the -u or --uid option of the useradd command in Linux.
    -G The group ID to use when creating $MAPR_USER with the -create-user or -a option; corresponds to the -g or -gid option of the useradd command in Linux.
  6. At the end of the client installation, run the maprlogin password command to create a valid ticket to connect to the cluster.