Configuring Hive 2.1 and Tez 0.8

About this task

To configure Hive on Tez, repeat the following steps on each node where you want to configure Hive on Tez. Tez mode for MR jobs is not compatible with all MR jobs and so, do not set up the whole cluster to work on Tez.


  1. Install Tez 0.8 if it is already not installed.
    To install, run the following command:
    On CentOS / RedHat yum install mapr-tez
    On SUSE zypper install mapr-tez
    On Ubuntu apt-get install mapr-tez
    NOTE: Repeat this step on each node where you want Hive on Tez to be configured.
  2. Create the /apps/tez directory on MapR file system.
    To create, run the following commands:
    hadoop fs -mkdir /apps
    hadoop fs -mkdir /apps/tez
  3. Upload the Tez libraries to the tez directory on MapR file system.
    To upload, run the following commands:
    hadoop fs -put /opt/mapr/tez/tez-0.8 /apps/tez
    hadoop fs -chmod -R 755 /apps/tez
  4. Verify the upload.
    To verify, run the following command:
    hadoop fs -ls /apps/tez/tez-0.8
  5. Set the Tez environment variables. To set, open the /opt/mapr/hive/hive-2.1/conf/ file, add the following lines, and save the file:
    export TEZ_CONF_DIR=/opt/mapr/tez/tez-0.8/conf
    export TEZ_JARS=/opt/mapr/tez/tez-0.8/*:/opt/mapr/tez/tez-0.8/lib/*
    NOTE: Repeat this step on each node where you want Hive on Tez to be configured.
  6. Configure Hive for Tez engine. To configure, open the /opt/mapr/hive/hive-2.1/conf/hive-site.xml file, add the following lines, and save the file.
    NOTE: Repeat this step on each node where you want Hive on Tez to be configured.