Hive Password Encryption

MEP 4.0 introduces default configuration for Hive Metastore password encryption using the MapR Installer. The password is stored in the hive-site.xml file.

MEP 4.0 introduces default configuration for Hive Metastore password encryption using the MapR Installer. The password is stored in the hive-site.xml file.


The configuration property replaces the javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword property in the hive-site.xml file that contains the path to the keystore file created by the Hadoop Crediential Provider. Credential providers store and protect passwords out of clear text for the underlying database. By default, the MapR Installer creates the keystore file in MapR file system. /user/${MAPR_USER}/hivemetastore.jceks.

Reset MapR Installer Default Configuration

To remove changes made by the MapR Installer and reset Hive to its default setting:

  1. Open the hive-site.xml file.
  2. Delete the property.
  3. Add the javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword property.
  4. Save and close the hive-site.xml file.

Manual Password Encryption

NOTE: For any user to use Hive, the keystore file requires read permission (644). To limit keystore file access to a smaller number of Hive users, modify permissions as necessary.

To encrypt a password manually:

  1. Create the keystore file using the Hadoop Credential Provider as follows:
    hadoop credential create javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword -provider <path-to-keystore>
    Where <path-to-keystore> is jceks://<file-system-name>/<path-to-keystore>.

    For example, jceks://maprfs/user/mapr/hivemetastore.jceks.

  2. Delete the javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword property in the hive-site.xml file:
  3. Add the property to the /opt/mapr/hive/hive-2.1/conf/hive-site.xml file:
      <description>password to use against metastore database</description>
  4. Restart the Hive services to update the configuration:
    maprcli node services -name hivemeta -action restart -nodes `hostname -f`
    maprcli node services -name hs2 -action restart -nodes `hostname -f`