Post-Upgrade Steps for Storm

After you upgrade Storm with the MapR Installer, perform the following steps.

About this task


  1. Migrate Custom Configurations.
    Migrate any custom configuration settings into the new default files in the conf directory (/opt/mapr/storm/storm-<version>/conf/).
  2. Restart the Storm services.
    1. Make a list of nodes on which Storm is configured (including the nimbus daemon and the supervisor daemons).
    2. Issue the maprcli node services command, specifying the nodes on which Storm is configured.
      maprcli node services -name nimbus -action restart -nodes <space delimited list of
      maprcli node services -name storm-ui -action restart -nodes <space delimited list of
      maprcli node services -name supervisor -action restart -nodes <space delimited list of
  3. Resubmit the topology.
    storm jar <jar-path> <main class>