Upgrading HttpFS

This section describes how to upgrade HttpFS without the Installer.

For EEP 7.1.0 and later, run one of the following commands to upgrade the HttpFS using package manager and install the new packages from the repository:
  • On RHEL/CentOS:
    yum update mapr-httpfs
  • On Ubuntu:
    apt-get install mapr-httpfs
  • On SLES:
    zypper update mapr-httpfs
For EEP 7.0.1 and earlier, run the following set of commands as root or with sudo to upgrade the HttpFS packages:
  • On RHEL/CentOS
    yum remove mapr-httpfs
    rm -rf /opt/mapr/httpfs/
    yum install mapr-httpfs
  • On Ubuntu
    apt-get autoremove mapr-httpfs
    rm -rf /opt/mapr/httpfs/
    apt-get install mapr-httpfs
  • On SLES
    zypper remove mapr-httpfs
    rm -rf /opt/mapr/httpfs/
    zypper install mapr-httpfs
NOTE To verify EEP and core version support, see EEP Support and Lifecycle Status.