Upgrading Spark on YARN

This section describes how to upgrade Spark on YARN without the Installer.

About this task

The following instructions explain how to upgrade an existing installation of Spark. Spark will be installed in a new subdirectory under /opt/mapr/spark.


  1. Install the Spark packages.
    NOTE You only need to upgrade the mapr-spark-historyserver if your previous installation included this package.
    On Ubuntu
    apt-get install mapr-spark mapr-spark-historyserver
    On RedHat / CentOS
    yum update mapr-spark mapr-spark-historyserver
    On SLES
    zypper upgrade mapr-spark mapr-spark-historyserver
  2. (Optional): Starting in the EEP 4.0 release, you can install the Spark Thrift Server package.
    On Ubuntu
    apt-get insall mapr-spark-thriftserver
    On RedHat / CentOS
    yum install mapr-spark-thriftserver 
    On SLES
    zypper install mapr-spark-thriftserver