Hue - 2009 (EEP 7.0.0) Release Notes

This section provides reference information, including new features, fixes, known issues, and limitations for Hue

The notes below relate specifically to the MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop. You can find additional information in the following change logs or the Hue homepage:

These release notes contain only MapR-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. For information about how to use the release notes, see Ecosystem Component Release Notes.

Release Date September 2020
MapR Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag
Package Names

Navigate to and select your EEP and OS to view the list of package names

New in This Release

  • The Hue package no longer includes the Simba Drill JDBC driver and instead includes the Drill JDBC driver from the mapr-drill-internal package (MHUE-383). To connect to Drill using the Drill JDBC Interpreter you need to have the mapr-drill-internal package installed on the node with the Hue server.
  • The Drill ODBC interpreter is optionally available in Hue through the SQLAlchemy interface. It requires the Simba Drill ODBC drivers installed on the system and available only on RedHat/CentOS (MHUE-327).
  • Environment configuration files for Hue server should now be configured in the ${HUE_HOME}/desktop/conf/env.d directory instead of ${HUE_HOME}/bin/env.d.
  • Hue now has the following HTTP security headers configured by default (MAPR-CORE-307):
    • X-Content-Type-Options
    • X-XSS-Protection
    • Strict-Transport-Security
    • Content-Security-Policy
  • TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 were disabled (MHUE-328)
  • In kerberized environments, the Hue kt_renewer process is started automatically with Hue server (MHUE-387).
    NOTE In Hue 4.3.0-1912, support for the integration of Drill with the Table Browser in Hue was added as an experimental feature.


This MapR release includes the following fixes on the base release:

GitHub Commit Number Date (YYYY-MM-DD) MapR Fix Number and Description
2d46a11 2020-02-24 MAPR-CORE-307: Add security headers to Hue
e032a6a 2020-03-05 Get rid of redundant logging of JDBC connections
b087bff 2020-03-11 MHUE-328 Disable TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 protocol for Hue 4.6
9ecba78 2020-03-11 MHUE-327 Remove trailing semicolon before execution queries through SQL Alchemy ODBC
68c801d 2020-03-16 MHUE-326 Update Protobuf version to 3.11.1
4fd06d8 2020-03-16 MHUE-332 Could not install table for Hive examples in Hue
74bb9b8 2020-03-18 MHUE-345 Dynamically set Hive version for hive_conf_dir in hue.ini
2c00d3a 2020-03-18 MHUE-328 Show list of enabled ciphers
7a7318b 2020-03-26 MHUE-327 Add SQLAlchemy Drill and its dependencies
d337bd8 2020-04-07 MHUE-348 Internal Server Error while open Hive page
b625f35 2020-04-08 MHUE-330 Error - Hue editor does not use database from databases block for requests
4b92ac5 2020-04-24 MHUE-366 Fix login issue for LDAP users accessing for the first time
c9de095 2020-04-28 MHUE-327 Provide an ability to do the user impersonation with Drill ODBC
2f44f81 2020-04-30 MHUE-356 Set right thrift_version in beeswax
94286d8 2020-05-06 HUE-9175 [core] Upgrade thrift-0.9.1 to thrift-0.13.0
04d9bbd 2020-05-06 HUE-9175 [editor] Regenerate impala and hive thrift from 0.9 to 0.13
52ab5ca 2020-05-06 Hue Aquascan CVEs (#1095)
30b92b9 2020-05-06 HUE-9223 [frontend] Fix high risk npm package vulnerabilities
94bc2f5 2020-05-08 MHUE-363 Update Hue 3d-party libraries to fix Security Vulnerabilities / fix of JS libraries
9e30862 2020-06-01 MHUE-384 Drill on HUE does not work when all ZK nodes are mentioned in the hue.ini
b991e7e 2020-06-26 MHUE-387 Add management tools for kt_renewer in Hue
050c5b4 2020-06-26 MHUE-391 Fix import of maprsecurity module on 11 Java
61325a9 2020-07-13 MHUE-393 Job Browser "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable" when non-admin user try to kill Tez job
29951d5 2020-07-17 MHUE-400 Hue-4.6 not starting on Centos-8.1 (mapr-sasl)
d2a27c0 2020-07-22 MHUE-397 An error occurred while watching the sqoop job running
e66fa5f 2020-07-23 MHUE-378 Hive do not work on non-secure setup
21204bc 2020-07-30 MHUE-411 Update Pig directory path to Pig 0.17.0
7c18d15 2020-07-30 HUE-9288 [editor] Fix selection type variable substitution in the editor
d5b1b67 2020-07-31 MHUE-412 Error while open Hive page in Hue
47397ee 2020-08-05 MHUE-412 Error while open Hive page in Hue
0ea47de 2020-08-06 MHUE-329 Error in logs after install Hue
55dfee0 2020-08-07 MHUE-419 Livy session cannot start on Kerberos cluster
8f83f95 2020-08-10 MHUE-413 Errors after run Impala query
5db3882 2020-08-12 HUE-9290 [frontend] Properly close certain html tags
76c2034 2020-08-12 MHUE-398 Error clicking on the job link in properties
fab2c58 2020-08-12 MHUE-417 Disable "Explain" button for interpreters that do not suppot this feature
b06c801 2020-08-14 MHUE-352 File browser in Hue does not open files that contain "#" symbol in the name
755de7c 2020-08-14 MHUE-429 Fix Livy examples for Python 3
7655382 2020-08-17 MHUE-431 TSocket read 0 bytes while opening HBase page in Hue on Kerberos
3672b30 2020-08-21 MHUE-388 Hue to leverage the usage of HA of Hiveserver2
c920c63 2020-08-21 MHUE-352 File browser in Hue does not open files that contain "#" symbol in the name
7bcd5a6 2020-08-26 MHUE-415 Execute USE statement for Drill ODBC and PostgreSQL queries
10652bd 2020-08-28 MHUE-373 Cannot confirm kill jobs in popup
de472b4 2020-08-29 MHUE-383 Switch to Drill drivers from mapr-drill-internal package
8bbaa2c 2020-09-01 MHUE-352 File browser in Hue does not open files that contain "#" symbol in the name
ec23886 2020-09-02 MHUE-435 Cannot connect to Drill on Ubuntu

Known Issues and Limitations

  • MapR does not support the integration between Hue 4.6.0 and the following components:
    • Solr Search
    • ZooKeeper
  • Integration between Hue 4.6.0 and Sentry 1.7 is supported on secure clusters that use Kerberos authentication, but it is not supported on secure clusters that use MapR-SASL authentication.
  • MHUE-209 Hue cannot create a table from *.csv file via importer from ADLS.
  • Hue uses python parquet lib to read parquet files. This library does not support all possible parquet formats.
  • When the [notebook] section of the hue.ini contains a Drill entry that precedes the Hive entry, the Table Browser uses the Drill back end. This can be turned off by changing the force_hs2_metadata=true setting in the [metastore] section of the hue.ini file.