Hue 3.12.0-1703 Release Notes

The following notes relate specifically to the data-fabric distribution for Apache Hadoop.

Version 3.12.0
Release Date April 2017
Data Fabric Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag 3.12.0-mapr-1703
Package Names See Package Names for Ezmeral Ecosystem Packs (EEPs)

New in This Release

The following is new in this release:

  • Hue integration with Drill.
IMPORTANT Note these considerations for Hue 3.12.0:
  • Livy is supported only for use with Hue. The Livy home directory is:
  • Data Fabric does not support the integration between Hue 3.12.0 and the following components:
    • Solr Search
    • Zookeeper
  • Integration between Hue 3.12.0 and Sentry 1.7 is supported on secure clusters that use Kerberos authentication, but it is not supported on secure clusters that use MapR-SASL authentication.


This data-fabric release includes the following new fixes on the base release. For details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

GitHub Commit Number Date (YYYY-MM-DD) MapR Fix Number and Description
e3c9a57 2016-12-22 [MAPR-25612] Changed sh script permission, added output in stdout for start command.
e9f5ae9c 2016-12-30 [MAPR-25540] Hue adds the Sentry privilege of URIs for Hive with "maprfs:////", not "maprfs:///".
4479477 2017-01-17 MAPR-25588 Hue cannot rename Sqoop link.
c67c658fc 2017-01-20 MAPR-25668 Pig job cannot display succeed status after job finish via Hue.
be333ff8 2017-01-23 MAPR-25669 Spark Oozie example fails via Hue Workflows.
30e9d8 2017-01-23 MAPR-25684 Oozie job in Hue cannot be submitted by non-mapr user.
7505afa 2017-01-26 [MAPR-25653] Hue cannot execute correctly saved query in db query tab.
35acd20 2017-02-01 [MAPR-25673] List of Notebooks does not correspond to the actual.
acd9126 2017-02-01 [Mapr 25593] Update default paths to Hive, HBase, Pig and Sentry at hue.ini.
b2bd166 2017-02-02 [MAPR-25697] Select current time in Hue rdbms doesn't work.
697bec0 2017-02-02 MAPR-25935 No logs for some finished Oozie jobs.
64bd0baf 2017-02-02 MAPR-25652 Hue cannot save new query in DB Query tab.
f2a59d9c 2017-02-02 MAPR-25882 Job browser doesn't display logs of jobs via classic mode.
44dc41d 2017-02-06 [MAPR-25925] Can't move directory correctly on AWS.
b634a15 2017-02-06 MAPR-25799 Hue Drill notebook does't work on Kerberos cluster.
df63f92c 2017-02-07 [MAPR-25921] Action "change owner/ group" in S3 Browser doesn't work.
55fd441 2017-02-07 MAPR-25782 Hue Drill notebook doesn't display correct result for dfs storage query.
bd8f011 2017-02-07 MAPR-25683 Error trying to export query result from Pig Notebook.
6f401a 2017-02-21 [MAPR-HUE-21] Link metadata doesn't have page.
94639b2 2017-02-21 [MAPR-HUE-12] Pig scripts incorrectly open in new tab.
5ef5d76 2017-02-22 [MAPR-HUE-10] Hue Hive editor cannot save query result to non-default DB.
7e6432f 2017-02-22 [MAPR-HUE-22] Excessive values of destination for copy/move should be removed.
f3b6805 2017-02-27 MAPR-HUE-32 Update default confs: set submit_to=True for yarn_cluster by default, and fix Oozie 4 compatibility issue.
5a2d6bc 2017-02-27 [MAPR-HUE-29] Hue cannot connect to JobTracker.
2a9f3ff 2017-02-27 MAPR-HUE-14 Hue cannot migrate some Oozie data to PostgreSQL database.
0e7bacb 2017-02-27 [MAPR-HUE-18] Hue doesn't display job details in JobBrowser after job starting.
35cc9fa 2017-02-27 MAPR-HUE-20 Hue opens the same page in new tab when you press scroll wheel on the title of drop-down lists.
b57616c 2017-03-01 MAPR-HUE-19 Search for Sqoop links doesn't work for all content.
3612987 2017-02-28 MAPR-HUE-31 Improve Hue with Drill configuration.
c15b81d 2017-03-01 [MAPR-HUE-16] Hue doesn't work with HBase 1.1.8 (maprdb) in mapr-secure cluster.
58ca6ee 2017-03-02 MAPR-HUE-34 Cannot work with Spark Notebooks from non-mapr user.
577a6a9 2017-03-02 [MAPR-HUE-16] [hue-3.12.0] Added "blob:" to default conf.
db01210 2017-03-06 [MAPR-HUE-21] Link metadata doesn't have page (reopen).
c52dd6d 2017-03-06 [MAPR-HUE-9] Hue doesn't correctly display progress of Oozie Job.
16b7912 2017-03-06 MAPR-HUE-13 New folder creation window has wrong position.
6e721fb 2017-03-06 [MAPR-HUE-28] Can't run any example for sample notebook.
cb5e3e4 2017-03-07 [MAPR-HUE-33] Hue cannot save Impala query result to file.
0561744 2017-03-10 [MAPR-HUE-39] Characters duplicated when typed in the notebooks.
ade1463 2017-03-10 [MAPR-HUE-9] Hue doesn't correctly display progress of Oozie Job (reopen).
0761b1b 2017-03-10 MAPR-HUE-20 Hue opens the same page in new tab when we press scroll wheel on the title of drop-down lists (reopen).
daddd3f 2017-03-13 MAPR-HUE-11 Hue cannot start on SUSE Kerberos cluster.
b5b1bf9 2017-03-14 [MAPR-HUE-17] Hue new create table wizard has an error when create table passed.
3409063 2017-03-16 MAPR-HUE-44 Hue doesn't work when Beeswax in blacklist.
f5172eb 2017-03-16 [DEVOPS-1323] Add java_home env to make file.
973691e 2017-03-16 MAPR-HUE-40 Can't submit Pig script via Notebooks.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • MAPR-18668: Hue does not work on RedHat/CentOS 7 when it is configured to use a MySQL database. When this issue occurs, the Control System displays the "Hue Down Alarm." Use this workaround:
    1. Run the following commands to install MariaDB and the RedHat 6 compatibility library:
      yum install mariadb
      rpm -ivh --nodeps$(rpm -qa mariadb|cut -d-
      -f2)/rhel7-amd64/rpms/MariaDB-$(rpm -qa mariadb|cut -d-
    2. Run the following command to create a symlink for the Cyrus SASL library:
      ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/
    3. Run the following commands to reconfigure Hue:
      source /opt/mapr/hue/hue-3.10.0/build/env/bin/activate
      /opt/mapr/hue/hue-3.10.0/build/env/bin/hue syncdb --noinput
      /opt/mapr/hue/hue-3.10.0/build/env/bin/hue migrate
    4. Run the following command to restart Hue:
      maprcli node services -name hue -action restart -nodes <space separated list of hostnames>
    NOTE Hue uses the python parque lib to read the parquet files. This library does not support all possible parquet formats.
  • [MAPR-2561] DB Query in Hue can't execute more than one query.
  • [HUE-6704] Hue is not able to execute Oozie snippets.

Resolved Issues
