Hue 3.9.0-1609 Release Notes

The notes below relate specifically to the MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop.

Version 3.9.0
Release Date September 30, 2016
MapR Version Interoperability

See Hue Support Matrix.

Source on GitHub

GitHub Release Tag 3.9.0-mapr-1609
Maven Artifacts

Package Names
The following packages are associated with this release:
  • mapr-hue-
  • mapr-hue_3.9.0.201609271316_all.deb
  • mapr-hue-base-
  • mapr-hue-base_3.9.0.201609271316_all.deb
  • mapr-hue-livy-
  • mapr-hue-livy_3.9.0.201609271316_all.deb

Important Notes

  • MapR does not support the integration between Hue 3.9.0 and the following components: Sentry 1.4, Solr Search, and Zookeeper.
    NOTE The integration between Hue 3.9.0 and Sentry 1.6 is supported on secure clusters that use kerberos authentication, but it is not supported on secure clusters that use MapR-SASL authentication.
  • Spark is available as a beta feature. R with Spark 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 is not supported.
  • Hive SQL example only works with Hive 1.2 and Oozie 4.2.0.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

GitHub Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comments
af8cb1cef 2016-09-01 MAPR-24010: This fix updates the default paths to Hive and HBase in the hue.ini.
2db5883283 2016-09-09 MAPR-24493: This fix disables adding or deleting users in the Hue Web UI when the authentication type is PAM, and disables editing users for LDAP.

Known Issues

  • MapR-20358: Hive job from Job Designer examples fails on YARN mode without Oozie patch for 2015-10-23.
  • HUE-2673: Hue displays a timeout error when a new session is not started within 60 seconds due to the lack of YARN resources.
  • MapR-18668: Hue does not work on RedHat/CentOS 7 when it is configured to use a MySQL database.

    When this issue occurs, the MapR Control System (MCS) displays the "Hue Down Alarm."

    1. Run the following commands to install MariaDB and the Redhat 6 compatibility library:
      yum install mariadb
      rpm -ivh --nodeps$(rpm -qa mariadb|cut -d- -f2)/rhel7-amd64/rpms/MariaDB-$(rpm -qa mariadb|cut -d- -f2)-centos7-x86_64-compat.rpm
    2. Run the following command to create a symlink for the Cyrus SASL library:
      ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
    3. Run the following commands to reconfigure Hue:
      source /opt/mapr/hue/hue-3.9.0/build/env/bin/activate
      /opt/mapr/hue/hue-3.9.0/build/env/bin/hue syncdb --noinput
      /opt/mapr/hue/hue-3.9.0/build/env/bin/hue migrate
    4. Run the following command to restart Hue:
      maprcli node services -name hue -action restart -nodes <space-separated list of hostnames>