Setting up a Mirroring Schedule for a Mirror Volume

Explains how to set up a mirroring schedule for a mirror volume using the Control System, the CLI, or the REST API.

Setting up a Mirroring Schedule Using the Control System


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to Summary tab in the volume details page.
  2. Click the associated with Volume Mirroring in the Schedules pane to display the Browse Schedules window.
  3. Review the name and detail of each schedule and select a schedule from the list.
  4. Click Save Changes to associate the schedule with the volume.

Setting up a Mirroring Schedule Using the CLI and REST API

About this task

You can associate a mirroring schedule with a mirror volume using the mirrorschedule parameter when creating or editing the volume. For example:
maprcli volume create -name <volName> -path <mountPath> -type mirror -source <srcVolName> -mirrorschedule <mirrorscheduleID>
maprcli volume modify -name <volName> -mirrorschedule <mirrorscheduleID>
You can associate a mirroring schedule with a mirror volume using the mirrorschedule parameter when creating or editing the volume. Send a request of type POST. For example:
curl -k -X POST 'https://<hostname>:8443/rest/volume/create?name=<volName>&path=<volPath>&type=mirror&source=<srcVolName>&mirrorschedule=<mirrorscheduleID>' --user mapr:mapr
curl -k -X POST 'https://<hostname>:8443/rest/volume/modify?name=<volName>&mirrorschedule=<mirrorscheduleID>' --user mapr:mapr
For the complete list of all required and optional parameters, see volume create and volume modify.