What's New in EEP 6.2.0

Provides a summary of the new functionality in Ezmeral Ecosystem Pack (EEP) 6.2.0.

EEP 6.2.0 provides support for the following new features.

EEP 6.x can be used with MapR Core 6.1.0. For more information about EEP and MapR Core version support, see EEP Support and Lifecycle Status.

EEP 6.2.0 Ecosystem Components

Hive Updates

EEP 6.2.0 includes support for MapR Database JSON projection push down without secondary indexes.

The metrics report file /tmp/hive_report.json is split: /tmp/hiveserver2_report.json and /tmp/hivemetastore_report.json for HiveServer2 and Hive Metastore, respectively.

New Hue Version

EEP 6.2.0 includes support for Hue 4.3.0.

For more information, see Hue 4.3.0-1904 (EEP 6.2.0) Release Notes.

Oozie Updates

EEP 6.2.0 includes Oozie support for Spark artifacts version 2.4.0. Jetty version is upgraded to 9.3.25.v20180904.

For more information, see Oozie (EEP 6.2.0) Release Notes.

New Spark Version

EEP 6.2.0 includes support for Spark

For more information, see Spark (EEP 6.2.0) Release Notes.


EEP 6.2.0 includes support for Drill

Drill includes several new features, including new SQL commands that generate table statistics and define schema for text files, multiple Drill Web UI enhancements, and format plugins for LTSV files and SYSLOG. For a complete list of features and updates, see Drill (EEP 6.2.0) Release Notes

MapR Installer Support for EEP 6.2.0

Mapr Installer supports EEP 6.2.0 and maintenance EEPs 6.1.1, 6.0.2, 5.0.3, and 4.1.4. For more information, see Release History for EEPs and MapR Installer Updates.