Kafka Connect HDFS - 2110 (EEP 8.0.0) Release Notes

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Kafka.

Release Date October 2021
HPE Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/kafka-connect-hdfs
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names See Package Names for Ezmeral Ecosystem Packs (EEPs).

New in This Release

Kafka Connect HDFS - 2110 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • None


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:
GitHub Commit Number



MapR Fix Number and Description
df8d31b 2021-09-09 MAPR-KAFKA-704 Kafka Connect lib dir contains Kafka client jar
d0eb929 2021-09-07 MAPR-KAFKA-757 mapr-security-web and maprdb jars should be taken from the cluster
041943d 2021-09-05 MAPR-KAFKA-758 Update the maven artifact version strings to eep
cb558bd 2021-08-26 MAPR-KAFKA-751 Protobuf and Json Schema connect converters were added.
5ac9da4 2021-08-18 MAPR-KAFKA-745 Update Jackson v1 and v2 dependencies
28ab440 2021-08-16 MAPR-KAFKA-744 Vulnerabilities in http-client
f36b2e4 2021-08-11 MAPR-KAFKA-725 Update hadoop, hive, hbase dependencies
1fbf6c5 2021-05-25 MAPR-KAFKA-715 Hadoop dependency was updated to
5472301 2021-02-25 MAPR-KAFKA-675 Skip checking the creation of mapr hadoop directory.
4afca95 2021-02-24 MAPR-KAFKA-678 hadoop-client and hadoop-yarn-client version should be

For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • None.

Resolved Issues

  • None.