KSQL - 2110 (EEP 8.0.0) Release Notes

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Kafka.
Release Date October 2021
HPE Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/ksql
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names See Package Names for Ezmeral Ecosystem Packs (EEPs).

New in This Release

KSQL - 2110 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • None


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:
GitHub Commit Number



MapR Fix Number and Description
ae254aca1c 2021-09-08 MAPR-KAFKA-757 mapr-security-web and maprdb jars should be taken from the cluster
5da53e1e6b 2021-09-05 MAPR-KAFKA-758 Update the maven artifact version strings to eep
1f57181607 2021-08-31 MAPR-KAFKA-749 Incorrect access mode for scripts in bin directory
51fd694f20 2021-08-31 MAPR-KAFKA-737 Implement authentication.cookie.expiration property support
3d16826412 2021-08-26 MAPR-KAFKA-750 Cannot create table because producer is clossed
6228621cf4 2021-08-19 MAPR-KAFKA-741 Make verify_service executable
608c4ec5e5 2021-08-18 MAPR-KAFKA-745 Update Jackson dependencies
95381a5e8b 2021-08-17 MAPR-KAFKA-725 Update hadoop dependency version
c99c6f314e 2021-08-16 MAPR-KAFKA-744 Vulnerabilities in http-client
4cdd4d68c0 2021-08-13 MAPR-KAFKA-741 Add service verifier to Kafka KSQL
428cba4c9f 2021-08-11 MAPR-KAFKA-680 Jetty CVE for kafka components
553dba7156 2021-08-03 MAPR-KAFKA-736 KSQL start fails in non-interactive mode
a244d69947 2021-08-02 MAPR-KAFKA-735 KSQL server crashes if truststore is in not default location
For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in Github.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • You cannot upgrade KSQL from 4.x to 5.x/6.x versions; you must uninstall KSQL 4.x and then install the newer version.
  • Concurrent queries on a table can result in a null pointer exception.
  • The SHOW TOPICS command does not print information about active consumers and consumer groups.
  • MAPR-KAFKA-437: Dropping streams/tables may take up to five minutes. This issue is caused by MS-915: “MapR Stream application hangs inside cycle”
  • MAPR-KAFKA-427: KSQL server periodically responds with a 403 code only. This issue is caused by MS-915: “MapR Stream application hangs inside cycle”

Resolved Issues

  • None.