Source Code for MapR Software

MapR releases source code to the open-source community for enhancements that MapR has made to the Apache Hadoop project and other ecosystem components.

MapR regularly releases updates to Apache Hadoop ecosystem projects as the projects are released by Apache, after MapR can verify that the changes do not impact product stability. Releases of ecosystem components are independent of the release cycle for the core MapR software, so that new updates can be released quickly and efficiently.

Source code developed by MapR can be found on GitHub at as of March 2013, coincident with version 2.1.2 of the MapR distribution. MapR may also release source code for other MapR projects at For each release that MapR includes in its distribution, MapR branches and tags the release on GitHub using the underlying project release number appended by -mapr.

Component Repositories on GitHub

The following repositories are available on GitHub for components that MapR has enhanced, patched, or created.

Finding Source Changes Prior to February 2013

GitHub is the single, central location for tracking changes that MapR applies to components in releases of the MapR distribution. Prior to February 2013, MapR included a list of patches in each component directory, as shown below. This information is no longer stored in the installation directory for recent releases, and instead is available at GitHub.

Example: Location of Information about MapR Patches to HBase Prior to February 2012
$ ls /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-0.92.1/
bin          hbase-0.92.1.jar        LICENSE.txt         pom.xml
CHANGES.txt  hbase-0.92.1-tests.jar  logs                README.txt
conf         hbase-webapps           mapr-hbase-patches  security     lib                     NOTICE.txt          src

$ ls /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-0.92.1/mapr-hbase-patches/
0000-hbase-with-mapr.patch                  0006-hbase-6285-fix.patch
0001-hbase-wait-for-fs+set-chunksize.patch  0007-hbase-6375-fix.patch
0002-hbase-source-env-vars.patch            0008-hbase-6455-fix.patch
0003-hbase-6158-fix.patch                   0009-bug-7745-fix.patch
0004-hbase-6018-fix.patch                   Readme.txt