Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Ranger Services

Describes how to start, stop, and restart Ranger services on the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric.

The Warden daemon starts the Ranger daemon automatically at installation time. You can start, stop, or restart Ranger services from the Control System or from the command line (CLI).

The mapr-ranger package provides two services:
Service Function
ranger-admin Creates and synchronizes Ranger policies and applies them to the plug-in.
ranger-usersync Gathers user information from Linux or Active Directory/Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (AD/LDAP) servers.

Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Ranger Using the Control System


Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Ranger Using the CLI

Using the maprcli node services command, you can start Ranger services on multiple nodes at the same time.

Use the following steps to start or stop or restart Ranger services from the maprcli command line:

  1. Make a list of the nodes on which Ranger is configured.
  2. Run the maprcli node services command with either start, restart, or stop, and specify the nodes on which Ranger is configured separated by spaces:
    maprcli node services -name <ranger_service_name> -action start|stop|restart -nodes <node_list>