Post-Upgrade Steps for Tez

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Tez with or without theInstaller.

About this task

After a minor version update, for example from Tez-0.9-1808 to Tez-0.9-1901, no changes to the user configuration, tez-site.xml file, are applied. To apply the latest changes manually, see the Tez Release Notes.


  1. (Optional) Migrate any custom configuration settings into the new default files in the /opt/mapr/tez/tez-<old version>/conf/ directory.
  2. Reconfigure the Hive-on-Tez User Interface. This is necessary because the old tomcat folder gets removed from the cluster during the upgrade procedure. For details, see Hive-on-Tez User Interface.
  3. If you are using the Installer, no additional steps are required. For manual installation, you need to configure Hive and Tez. See Configuring Hive and Tez.