Post-Upgrade Steps for Oozie

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Oozie with or without the Installer.

About this task


  1. Add customized properties from the configuration files that you saved before the upgrade to the files in the new Oozie conf directory: /opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-<version>/conf/.
  2. If your Oozie installation is configured to use a MySQL or Oracle database and you are upgrading to a new Oozie version, copy the JDBC driver jar file for MySQL or Oracle to the following directory:
    /opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-<oozie version>/libext
    NOTICE If you upgraded the cluster to Core 6.2.0 and Oozie (EEP 7.0.0), and you did not update the MySQL connector and MySQL/MariaDB server, you must update the JDBC URL for the oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.url parameter with the useSSL=false attribute in the /opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-<version>/conf/oozie-site.xml, as shown:
            <description>JDBC URL.</description>
  3. Run -R:
    # /opt/mapr/server/ -R
  4. Verify that Oozie is in the 'Running' state and then run the following command to upgrade the database schema:
    # /opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-<version>/bin/ upgrade -run
  5. Restart the Oozie server:
    maprcli node services -name oozie -action restart -nodes <node names>
  6. Start any Oozie coordinators that you stopped before the upgrade.
  7. If needed, update the Oozie shared libraries, as described in Updating the Oozie Shared Libraries.