Post-Upgrade Steps for Impala

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Impala with or without the Installer.

About this task

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.
Start the Impala, statestore, and catalog services. Always restart the Impala statestore service prior to restarting the Impala server on nodes in the cluster.


  1. Issue the following command to start the Impala statestore service on the designated host in the cluster:
    $ sudo maprcli node services -name impalastore -action start -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>
    Example:$ sudo maprcli node services -name impalastore -action start -nodes
  2. Issue the following command to start the catalog service on the designated host in the cluster:
    $ sudo maprcli node services -name impalacatalog -action start -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>
    Example:$ sudo maprcli node services -name impalacatalog -action start -nodes
  3. Issue the following command to start the Impala server on each Impala node:
    $ sudo maprcli node services -name impalaserver -action start -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>
    Example:$ sudo maprcli node services -name impalaserver -action start -nodes
    NOTE Check the Impala log files for errors if the services do not start successfully. You can locate log files in the following Impala installation directory on each node: