mastgateway ecgstats

Returns the list of containers under rebuild from CGManager.


mrconfig mastgateway ecgstats <cgid>


Parameter Description
cgid The Container Gateway ID from which the containers under rebuild must be retrieved.


For a given EC scheme k+m, where k is number of data stripelets and m is number of parity stripelets, the output fields are as follows:

ContainerGroupId Container Gateway (CG) ID from which the containers under rebuild are retrieved.

Total number of valid (v), invalid (i), and pre-allocated (pa) stripes minus the number of deleted (d) stripes.

Calculated as: (v+i+pa)-d.

numValidStripes Stripe that have at least k number of full stripelets.
numStripesToRecover Stripes that have unelected stripelet(s), or number of full or partial stripelets less than k.
numStripesInRebuild Stripes that are being rebuilt.
numDegradedStripes[0] Stripes that can have no more failures.
numDegradedStripes[1] Stripes that can suffer at most m-1 failures.
numMaxStripes Maximum number of stripes in the CG. This value is calculated from the container size and the stripe size.
numActivePreallocStripes Number of actual pre-allocated stripes.
numActiveAllocStripes Number of allocated stripes in the CG. This value is taken from the pre-allocated list.
numActiveDeleteStripes Number of valid stripes for which stripelets have been deleted by an operation such as compaction, for example.
numPreallocStripes Maximum number of stripes that can be pre-allocated.

Default Value: 32

activeBitmap Number of containers that are up in the CG.
pendingUpBitmap Number of containers that are in the process of being brought up in the CG.
containersInRebuild Number of containers that are being rebuilt.


# /opt/mapr/server/mrconfig mastgateway ecgstats 2351

MASTGateway service is alive on
ContainerGroupId : 2351
numStripes : 189
numValidStripes : 173
numStripesToRecover : 0
numStripesInRebuild : 64
numDegradedStripes[0]: 0
numDegradedStripes[1]: 120
numMaxStripes : 8192
numActivePreallocStripes : 0
numActiveAllocStripes : 0
numActiveDeleteStripes : 0
numPreallocStripes : 32
activeBitmap : 1f
pendingUpBitmap : 0
containersInRebuild : 2353