mrconfig dbinfo repltable

The mrconfig dbinfo repltable command displays information about all the replicas setup on a table.

See mrconfig for instructions about running mrconfig commands.


/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig dbinfo [-v] repltable <tableFid>


Parameter Description
-V Sets the verbose option.
tableFid The file identifier for the table.


Display the information about all the replicas setup on a table.

/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig dbinfo repltable 2049.557.263820
Time: 2020-08-18 15:05:43,2650 Instance 5660
table 2049.557.263820 replicaIdx 3 replicaType table replica minPendingTS 1597788052 maxPendingTS 1597788058 bucketsPending 8 bytesPending 515935659 putsPending 462970
table 2049.557.263820 replicaIdx 2 replicaType table replica minPendingTS 1597788052 maxPendingTS 1597788058 bucketsPending 8 bytesPending 515935659 putsPending 462970
table 2049.557.263820 replicaIdx 1 replicaType table replica minPendingTS 1597788052 maxPendingTS 1597788058 bucketsPending 8 bytesPending 515935659 putsPending 462970
table 2049.557.263820 replicaIdx 6 replicaType index minPendingTS 0 maxPendingTS 0 bucketsPending 0 bytesPending 0 putsPending 0