Configure Livy with Spark Modes

This topic describes how to configure Livy with different Spark modes.

Use these steps to configure Livy:
  1. Modify the livy.conf file (/opt/mapr/livy/livy-<version>/conf/livy.conf):
    1. If Spark jobs run in local mode, set the livy.spark.master property:
      # What spark master Livy sessions should use.
      livy.spark.master = local[*]
    2. If Spark jobs run in YARN mode, set the livy.spark.master and livy.spark.deployMode properties (client or cluster). For example:
      # What spark master Livy sessions should use.
      livy.spark.master = yarn
      # What spark deploy mode Livy sessions should use.
      livy.spark.deployMode = client
      # What spark master Livy sessions should use.
      livy.spark.master = yarn
      # What spark deploy mode Livy sessions should use.
      livy.spark.deployMode = cluster
    3. If Spark jobs run in Standalone mode, set the livy.spark.master and livy.spark.deployMode properties (client or cluster). For example:
      # What spark master Livy sessions should use. 
      livy.spark.master = spark://node:7077 
      # What spark deploy mode Livy sessions should use. 
      livy.spark.deployMode = client 
      # What spark master Livy sessions should use. 
      livy.spark.master = spark://node:7077 
      # What spark deploy mode Livy sessions should use. 
      livy.spark.deployMode = cluster 
    4. If Spark jobs run in Mesos mode, set the livy.spark.master property. For example:
      # What spark master Livy sessions should use. 
      livy.spark.master = mesos://<mesos-master-node-ip>:5050  
  2. To you want to use impersonation with Livy, set livy.impersonation.enabled to true in livy.conf. For example:
    # If livy should impersonate the requesting users when creating a new session. 
    livy.impersonation.enabled = true 
  3. If you want to be able to access Hive through Spark for Livy, you should configure Spark with Hive, and set livy.repl.enableHiveContext to true in livy.conf. For example:
    # Whether to enable HiveContext in livy interpreter, if it is true hive-site.xml will be detected 
    # on user request and then livy server classpath automatically. 
    livy.repl.enableHiveContext = true 
    NOTE If Hive is installed on a cluster and if Spark is configured on Hive, this property is set to true by default: livy.repl.enableHiveContext = true.
  4. To apply the needed changes, restart the Livy service:
    maprcli node services -name livy -action restart -nodes <livy node>