Updating ResourceManager Ports

About this task

To simplify the failover configurations in the yarn-site.xml file, Warden maintains the list of ResourceManager ports in the warden.resourcemanager.conf file. For a list of the default port numbers, see Ports Used by HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Software. If you want to edit the default ResourceManager ports, edit the warden.resourcemanager.conf file and the yarn-site.xml file on each ResourceManager node.
NOTE If each node requires different ResourceManager ports, you must maintain a separate yarn-site.xml file for each node. Therefore, to you use Central Configuration, you must create a customized configuration file for each ResourceManager node in the cluster.

To update the port numbers, edit the values in the warden.resourcemanager.conf file and add the values in the yarn-site.xml file.


  1. Open the warden.resourcemanager.conf file (/opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/warden.resourcemanager.conf).
  2. Edit the port numbers, which are listed using the following format: service.extinfo.<port>= <port number>
    Port NameProperty Name in warden.resourcemanager.conf
    ResourceManager Scheduler RPC (for ApplicationMasters) service.extinfo.SCHEDULER_PORT
    ResourceManager Resource Tracker RPC (for NodeManagers) service.extinfo.RESOURCETRACKER_PORT
    ResourceManager Client RPC service.port
    ResourceManager Admin RPC service.extinfo.ADMIN_PORT
    ResourceManager Web UI (HTTP) service.extinfo.WEBAPP_PORT
    ResourceManager Web UI (HTTPS) service.extinfo.WEBAPP_HTTPS_PORT
  3. Open the yarn-site.xml file (/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.x.x/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml).
  4. For each port that you edited, add the associated property to the yarn-site.xml file:
    Port NameProperty Name in yarn-site.xml
    ResourceManager Scheduler RPC (for ApplicationMasters) yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address
    ResourceManager Resource Tracker RPC (for NodeManagers) yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.address
    ResourceManager Client RPC yarn.resourcemanager.address
    ResourceManager Admin RPC yarn.resourcemanager.admin.address
    ResourceManager Web UI (HTTP) yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address
    ResourceManager Web UI (HTTPS) yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.https.address

    For example, to update the port number for the ADMIN_PORT to 9000 on each node, enter the following in the yarn-site.xml file on each node:

  5. Restart the Warden and the ResourceManager services.