Pre-Upgrade Steps for Tez

Complete the following steps before you upgrade Tez with or without the MapR Installer.

About this task

You need to back up the configuration properties files if you made any configuration changes that you want to carry over to the next version.


  1. Locate the files in /opt/mapr/tez/tez-<version>/conf/ directory.
  2. Copy the files to a location outside the MapR installation.
  3. Delete the old /apps/tez directory on the MapR-FS layer.
    hadoop fs -rm -r /apps/tez
    After upgrading, you can reapply changes to the updated Tez installation using the backup.

Preserving Tez Configuration

Starting from MEP 5.0.1, preserving of user configuration logic is built into Tez.


For a minor version update (for example, Tez-0.8-1803 to Tez-0.8-1808), user configuration from a previous version is copied to a folder with an old version timestamp and is also copied to a new version conf folder.
  • Upgrade from MEP 3.x to MEP 5.0.1, user configuration preserving has no errors.
  • Upgrade from MEP 4.0.0/4.1.0 to MEP 5.0.1, user configuration preserving works only for configuration files (such as tez-site.xml and configs.js), but the Tomcat service is still present from the previous Tez version. As a precondition for upgrade from MEP 4.0.0/4.1.0, manually stop the Tomcat service and remove the tez-0.8/ directory.
  • Upgrade from MEP 4.1.1/5.0.0 to MEP 5.0.1, user configuration preserving has no errors.
  • Upgrade from MEP 3.x to MEP 5.0.1, user configuration preserving has no errors.
  • Upgrade from MEP 4.0.0/4.1.0 to MEP 5.0.1, user configuration preserving works only for configuration files (such as tez-site.xml and configs.js), but the Tomcat service is still present from the previous Tez version. As a precondition for upgrade from MEP 4.0.0/4.1.0, manually stop the Tomcat service and remove the tez-0.8/ directory.
  • Upgrade from MEP 4.1.1/5.0.0 to MEP 5.0.1, you need to perform user configuration preserve manually.