Post-Upgrade Steps for HttpFS

Complete the following steps after you upgrade HttpFS with or without the MapR Installer.


  1. Migrate any custom HttpFS configuration settings into the new default files.
    For example, update the following files:
    • /opt/mapr/httpfs/httpfs-1.0/share/hadoop/httpfs/tomcat/webapps/webhdfs/WEB-INF/web.xml
    • /opt/mapr/httpfs/httpfs-1.0/share/hadoop/httpfs/tomcat/conf/server.xm
    • /opt/mapr/httpfs/httpfs-1.0/share/hadoop/httpfs/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
    • /opt/mapr/httpfs/httpfs-1.0/etc/hadoop/httpfs-site.xml
  2. For mapr-httpfs included in MEP 4.0.0 or later, run the script after making configure changes:
    sudo bash /opt/mapr/server/ -R