Post-Upgrade Steps for MapR-ES Tools

Complete the following steps after manually upgrading MapR-ES Tools.

Kafka REST Proxy

The following post-upgrade steps are applicable when upgrading Kafka REST Proxy.

  1. Review your configuration files and modify as needed:
  2. Run the file. For example:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R
  3. Start the Kafka REST service
    maprcli node services -name kafka-rest -action start -nodes < list of Kafka REST service nodes >

Kafka Connect

The following post-upgrade steps are applicable when upgrading Kafka Connect.

  1. Review your configuration files and modify as needed:
  2. Run the file. For example:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R
  3. Start the Kafka Connect service
    maprcli node services -name kafka-connect -action start -nodes <list of Kafka Connect service nodes>