Rolling Back a Patch

Removing a previously installed patch must be done manually. Alternatively, you can revert to a previous version of the patch by installing over a newer version. To minimize the impact of this change on your cluster, contact MapR Support for technical assistance.

Always test patch installs in a test environment before applying patches to production environments. If a newly installed patch for a given software version delivers unexpected behavior, you can remove the patch or install an older patch for the same MapR software version over the current version. The latest patch version (for example, version n) and the previous patch version (version n-1), are always available on To log in, specify maprpatches for the Login ID, and leave the Password field blank.

For technical assistance in removing a patch and restoring the functionality that existed before the patch was installed, open a case with MapR Support.
NOTE: Rolling back a cluster from a newer MapR version to an older version is not supported. See Applying a Patch Manually.