Installing the MapR Client on Mac OS X

This section describes how to install the MapR Client on Mac OS X.

About this task

Limitation: Under OS X, the getgroups command returns a maximum of 16 groups for a user. If the Mac OS user for which you are installing the MapR Client attempts to read or write to a MapR file system resource as a member of a group that was not included in the list of 16 groups returned by getgroups, file permission errors may result.


  1. Create the directory /opt: sudo mkdir -p /opt
  2. Download the file for the version that you want to install:<version>/mac/<mapr-client package name>
  3. Open the Terminal application.
  4. Extract mapr-client-<version>.tar.gz into the /opt directory:
    sudo tar -C /opt -zxf mapr-client-<version>.tar.gz*
  5. Before running, make sure that JAVA_HOME is set correctly for the client in the following script: /opt/mapr/conf/
    For example:
    $ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
  6. To use this client with a secure cluster or clusters, copy the ssl_truststore file from the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the cluster to the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the client.
    If this client will connect to multiple clusters, merge the ssl_truststore files with the /opt/mapr/server/ tool.
  7. Run to configure the client. In the following examples, the -N parameter specifies the cluster name, the -c (lowercase) parameter specifies a client configuration, the -secure parameter is added if the cluster is secure, the -C (uppercase) parameter specifies the CLDB nodes, and the -HS parameter specifies the HistoryServer node. To ensure that the client can connect in the event of a CLDB node failure, all CLDB nodes are specified. For more information about the syntax, parameters, and behavior of, see
    Non-secure cluster example
    sudo /opt/mapr/server/ -N -c -C mynode01:7222,mynode02:7222,mynode03:7222 -HS nodeA
    Secure cluster example
    sudo /opt/mapr/server/ -N -c -secure -C mynode01:7222,mynode02:7222,mynode03:7222

    If the cluster was configured with a cluster-admin user:group that is different from the default mapr:mapr value, you must include options to specify the cluster-admin user and group information when you run to configure the client.

    If the cluster-admin user ID is present on the client node, include these options:
    • -u
    • -g
    If the cluster-admin user ID is not present on the client node, include these options:
    • -u
    • -g
    • --create-user | -a
    • -U
    • -G

What to do next

For information about running Hadoop commands on Mac OS X, see Running Hadoop Commands on a Mac and Windows Client.