Installing the MapR Client

This section describes how to prepare your machine for the installation process.

About this task

Before you install the MapR Client, perform the following steps:


  • Verify that the operating system on the machine where you plan to install the MapRClient is supported. For a list of operating systems that are compatible with the MapR clients, see MapR Client Support Matrix.
  • Verify that the machine where you plan to install the MapR client is not a cluster node. The MapR client is intended for use on a computer that has no other MapR server software installed.
  • Obtain connectivity information and cluster setup requirements. When you use to configure the client, you will need to know the following details:
    • The cluster name. You will need the cluster name when you specify the -N parameter.
    • The IP addresses and ports of the CLDB nodes on the cluster. You will need this information when you specify the CLDB nodes with the -C parameter.
    • If one or more nodes in the cluster run the ResourceManager, you may need to specify the hostname or IP address for each ResourceManager nodes using the -RM parameter. If the cluster is configured to use zero-configuration failover, do not specify the ResourceManager nodes. If the cluster is not configured to use zero-configuration failover, specify each ResourceManager node.
    • Determine if the cluster is secure. If the cluster is secure, you will need to specify the -secure parameter when you run
    • If a node in the cluster runs the HistoryServer, note the hostname for the HistoryServer. You must specify each HistoryServer node using the -HS parameter.
  • In the /etc/hosts file of the client machine, add a mapping between the CLDB nodes in the cluster and the IP addresses of those nodes.
    For example, add the IP address and CLDB node name centos22 on the Mac OSX where you installed the client:       localhost broadcasthost
    ::1             localhost
    fe80::1%lo0     localhost     centos22

What to do next

To install the MapR client, obtain the MapR packages for your operating system at and complete the installation steps:

For the Windows MapR client, see: Installing the MapR Client on Windows.

WARNING: The client nodes also need to have the MapR repositories configured in order to pull the client packages. See MapR Repositories and Packages.