Upgrading MapR Monitoring

Complete the following steps to upgrade MapR Monitoring without the MapR Installer.

About this task

Execute the following commands as root or using sudo.


  1. Upgrade the following metric monitoring packages wherever they are installed on the cluster: mapr-collectd, mapr-grafana, and mapr-opentsdb.
    For example, on a three node cluster, you could run the following commands to upgrade metrics monitoring packages:
    • For CentOS/RedHat:
      • Node A:
        yum upgrade mapr-collectd mapr-grafana
      • Node B:
        yum upgrade mapr-collectd mapr-opentsdb
      • Node C:
        yum upgrade mapr-collectd
    • For Ubuntu:
      • Node A:
        apt-get install mapr-collectd mapr-grafana
      • Node B:
        apt-get install mapr-collectd mapr-opentsdb
      • Node C:
        apt-get install mapr-collectd
    • For SUSE:
      • Node A:
        zypper update mapr-collectd mapr-grafana
      • Node B:
        zypper update mapr-collectd mapr-opentsdb
      • Node C:
        zypper update mapr-collectd
  2. Upgrade the following log monitoring packages wherever they are installed on the cluster: mapr-fluentd, mapr-elasticsearch, and mapr-kibana.

    For example, on a three node MapR cluster, you can run the following commands to upgrade log monitoring packages:

    • For CentOS/RedHat:
      • Node A:
        yum upgrade mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node B:
        yum upgrade mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node C:
        yum upgrade mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch mapr-kibana
    • For Ubuntu:
      • Node A:
        apt-get install mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node B:
        apt-get install mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node C:
        apt-get install mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch mapr-kibana
    • For SUSE:
      • Node A:
        zypper update mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node B:
        zypper update mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch
      • Node C:
        zypper update mapr-fluentd mapr-elasticsearch mapr-kibana