Updating Configuration Files

About this task

After upgrading MapR Core packages, you need to manually update configuration and license text files.

NOTE: When you upgrade hadoop common, a new directory is created for the new hadoop common version and the configuration files in the existing /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.x.x directory are automatically copied into the active directory associated with the new hadoop 2.x.x directory. For example, when you upgrade from 4.1 to 5.x, configuration files that were in the hadoop-2.5.1 directory are copied into the hadoop-2.7.1 directory.


  1. On all nodes, manually merge new configuration settings from the /opt/mapr/conf.new/warden.conf file into the /opt/mapr/conf/warden.conf file.
  2. If you are upgrading with a BaseLicense license, copy the /opt/mapr/conf.new/BaseLicense.txt file to the /opt/mapr/conf/ directory. This ensures that the MapR Streams feature is available. See Configuring the New Version for information about enabling new features.
    NOTE: The BaseLicense.txt file must be copied before starting warden, otherwise, warden must be restarted.
  3. On all nodes, manually merge new configuration settings from the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d.new/ directory to the files in the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/ directory.
    On CLDB nodes where MapR licenses are enforced, the BaseLicenseNfsClient license is automatically picked up after upgrading.
  4. If you upgraded from 4.0.1, update any script that points to one or more files within the /opt/mapr/hadoop-2.4.1 directory to point to the latest file in the hadoop 2.x directory.
    NOTE: This step is specific to MapR version 4.0.1.