Set Up the Internet Repository: Ubuntu

About this task

As root or using sudo, you add the repositories to the sources.list. The sources.list specifies the URLs to the packages of MapR that you want to install. See the Release Notes for the URLs for all release packages.


  1. Change to the root user or use sudo.
  2. Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list, replacing <version> with the version of MapR that you want to install.
    deb<version>/ubuntu/ mapr optional
    deb binary/
  3. Update the package indexes.
    apt-get update
  4. If your connection to the Internet is through a proxy server, add the following lines to /etc/apt/apt.conf:
    Acquire {
    Retries "0";
    HTTP {
    Proxy "http://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>";