Sqoop 1.4.7 - 2101 (EEP 7.0.1) Release Notes

IMPORTANT This component is deprecated. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using an alternate product. Deprecated components are either in maintenance or have reached the end of their maintenance lifecycle. For more information, see Discontinued Ecosystem Components.
The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Sqoop. You may also be interested in the Apache Sqoop 1.4.7 changelog or the Apache Sqoop project homepage.
Version 1.4.7
Release Date January 2021
HPE Version Interoperability MEP Components and OS Support
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/sqoop
GitHub Release Tag 1.4.7-mapr-701
Maven Artifacts http://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names SeePackage Names for MapR Ecosystem Packs (MEPs)

New in This Release

Sqoop 1.4.7 - 2101 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • None.


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:
Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
5ec4037 2020-10-12 MAPRSQOOP-87: Reduce excessive mutations
271b5d7 2020-12-31 MAPRSQOOP-89: Updated common-compress to 1.20
For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • For Avro format, you must use -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first parameter=true in the command when you import into the filesystem.

Resolved Issues

  • None