Class KafkaStreams

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class KafkaStreams
    extends Object
    implements AutoCloseable
    A Kafka client that allows for performing continuous computation on input coming from one or more input topics and sends output to zero, one, or more output topics.

    The computational logic can be specified either by using the Topology to define a DAG topology of Processors or by using the StreamsBuilder which provides the high-level DSL to define transformations.

    One KafkaStreams instance can contain one or more threads specified in the configs for the processing work.

    A KafkaStreams instance can co-ordinate with any other instances with the same application ID (whether in the same process, on other processes on this machine, or on remote machines) as a single (possibly distributed) stream processing application. These instances will divide up the work based on the assignment of the input topic partitions so that all partitions are being consumed. If instances are added or fail, all (remaining) instances will rebalance the partition assignment among themselves to balance processing load and ensure that all input topic partitions are processed.

    Internally a KafkaStreams instance contains a normal KafkaProducer and KafkaConsumer instance that is used for reading input and writing output.

    A simple example might look like this:

     Properties props = new Properties();
     props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "my-stream-processing-application");
     props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
     props.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass());
     props.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass());
     StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
     builder.<String, String>stream("my-input-topic").mapValues(value -> String.valueOf(value.length())).to("my-output-topic");
     KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(, props);
    See Also:
    StreamsBuilder, Topology
    • Method Detail

      • setUncaughtExceptionHandler

        public void setUncaughtExceptionHandler​(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler eh)
        Set the handler invoked when a internal thread abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.
        eh - the uncaught exception handler for all internal threads; null deletes the current handler
        IllegalStateException - if this KafkaStreams instance is not in state CREATED.
      • setGlobalStateRestoreListener

        public void setGlobalStateRestoreListener​(StateRestoreListener globalStateRestoreListener)
        Set the listener which is triggered whenever a StateStore is being restored in order to resume processing.
        globalStateRestoreListener - The listener triggered when StateStore is being restored.
        IllegalStateException - if this KafkaStreams instance is not in state CREATED.
      • metrics

        public Map<MetricName,​? extends Metric> metrics()
        Get read-only handle on global metrics registry, including streams client's own metrics plus its embedded producer, consumer and admin clients' metrics.
        Map of all metrics.
      • start

        public void start()
                   throws IllegalStateException,
        Start the KafkaStreams instance by starting all its threads. This function is expected to be called only once during the life cycle of the client.

        Because threads are started in the background, this method does not block. However, if you have global stores in your topology, this method blocks until all global stores are restored. As a consequence, any fatal exception that happens during processing is by default only logged. If you want to be notified about dying threads, you can register an uncaught exception handler before starting the KafkaStreams instance.

        Note, for brokers with version 0.9.x or lower, the broker version cannot be checked. There will be no error and the client will hang and retry to verify the broker version until it times out.

        IllegalStateException - if process was already started
        StreamsException - if the Kafka brokers have version 0.10.0.x or if exactly-once is enabled for pre 0.11.0.x brokers
      • close

        public void close()
        Shutdown this KafkaStreams instance by signaling all the threads to stop, and then wait for them to join. This will block until all threads have stopped.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
      • close

        public boolean close​(long timeout,
                             TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Use close(Duration) instead; note, that close(Duration) has different semantics and does not block on zero, e.g., `Duration.ofMillis(0)`.
        Shutdown this KafkaStreams by signaling all the threads to stop, and then wait up to the timeout for the threads to join. A timeout of 0 means to wait forever.
        timeout - how long to wait for the threads to shutdown. Can't be negative. If timeout=0 just checking the state and return immediately.
        timeUnit - unit of time used for timeout
        true if all threads were successfully stopped—false if the timeout was reached before all threads stopped Note that this method must not be called in the onChange callback of KafkaStreams.StateListener.
      • allMetadata

        public Collection<StreamsMetadata> allMetadata()
        Find all currently running KafkaStreams instances (potentially remotely) that use the same application ID as this instance (i.e., all instances that belong to the same Kafka Streams application) and return StreamsMetadata for each discovered instance.

        Note: this is a point in time view and it may change due to partition reassignment.

        StreamsMetadata for each KafkaStreams instances of this application
      • allMetadataForStore

        public Collection<StreamsMetadata> allMetadataForStore​(String storeName)
        Find all currently running KafkaStreams instances (potentially remotely) that
        • use the same application ID as this instance (i.e., all instances that belong to the same Kafka Streams application)
        • and that contain a StateStore with the given storeName
        and return StreamsMetadata for each discovered instance.

        Note: this is a point in time view and it may change due to partition reassignment.

        storeName - the storeName to find metadata for
        StreamsMetadata for each KafkaStreams instances with the provide storeName of this application
      • metadataForKey

        public <K> StreamsMetadata metadataForKey​(String storeName,
                                                  K key,
                                                  StreamPartitioner<? super K,​?> partitioner)
        Find the currently running KafkaStreams instance (potentially remotely) that
        • use the same application ID as this instance (i.e., all instances that belong to the same Kafka Streams application)
        • and that contain a StateStore with the given storeName
        • and the StateStore contains the given key
        and return StreamsMetadata for it.


        • this is a point in time view and it may change due to partition reassignment
        • the key may not exist in the StateStore; this method provides a way of finding which host it would exist on
        Type Parameters:
        K - key type
        storeName - the storeName to find metadata for
        key - the key to find metadata for
        partitioner - the partitioner to be use to locate the host for the key
        StreamsMetadata for the KafkaStreams instance with the provided storeName and key of this application or StreamsMetadata.NOT_AVAILABLE if Kafka Streams is (re-)initializing, or null if no matching metadata could be found.
      • queryMetadataForKey

        public <K> KeyQueryMetadata queryMetadataForKey​(String storeName,
                                                        K key,
                                                        Serializer<K> keySerializer)
        Finds the metadata containing the active hosts and standby hosts where the key being queried would reside.
        Type Parameters:
        K - key type Returns KeyQueryMetadata containing all metadata about hosting the given key for the given store, or null if no matching metadata could be found.
        storeName - the storeName to find metadata for
        key - the key to find metadata for
        keySerializer - serializer for the key
      • queryMetadataForKey

        public <K> KeyQueryMetadata queryMetadataForKey​(String storeName,
                                                        K key,
                                                        StreamPartitioner<? super K,​?> partitioner)
        Finds the metadata containing the active hosts and standby hosts where the key being queried would reside.
        Type Parameters:
        K - key type Returns KeyQueryMetadata containing all metadata about hosting the given key for the given store, using the the supplied partitioner, or null if no matching metadata could be found.
        storeName - the storeName to find metadata for
        key - the key to find metadata for
        partitioner - the partitioner to be use to locate the host for the key
      • store

        public <T> T store​(StoreQueryParameters<T> storeQueryParameters)
        Get a facade wrapping the local StateStore instances with the provided StoreQueryParameters. The returned object can be used to query the StateStore instances.
        storeQueryParameters - the parameters used to fetch a queryable store
        A facade wrapping the local StateStore instances
        InvalidStateStoreException - If the specified store name does not exist in the topology or if the Streams instance isn't in a queryable state. If the store's type does not match the QueryableStoreType, the Streams instance is not in a queryable state with respect to the parameters, or if the store is not available locally, then an InvalidStateStoreException is thrown upon store access.
      • allLocalStorePartitionLags

        public Map<String,​Map<Integer,​LagInfo>> allLocalStorePartitionLags()
        Returns LagInfo, for all store partitions (active or standby) local to this Streams instance. Note that the values returned are just estimates and meant to be used for making soft decisions on whether the data in the store partition is fresh enough for querying. Note: Each invocation of this method issues a call to the Kafka brokers. Thus its advisable to limit the frequency of invocation to once every few seconds.
        map of store names to another map of partition to LagInfos
        StreamsException - if the admin client request throws exception