Integrating NiFi with EEP Components

This topic describes how to configure NiFi to work with other EEP components in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric. The information in this topic relates specifically to the EEP components and HPE distribution for Apache NiFi.


NiFi works with HDFS by using default HDFS processors.

If Hadoop configuration resources property is not set, Nifi automatically detects them in runtime.

HBase and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database Binary

Install and configure HBase on your cluster. See Installing HBase.

NiFi works with HBase by using default HBase processors. However, you must create EEP_HbaseMaprDbClientService service which automatically detects the configuration.

NOTE Both HBase and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database Binary uses the same implementation of NiFi.


Install and configure Hive on your cluster. See Installing Hive.

To work with SelectHive3_EEP_QL and UpdateHive3_EEP_Table processors, configure Hive3_EEP_ConnectionPool with the following configuration details:
PutHive3_EEP_Streaming automatically detects Hive configuration.
NOTE When you change the Hive version, you must manually configure Hive on pre-configured processors.


Kafka processors on the cluster node does not require any additional component installations.
NOTE HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric does not support Kafka Transactions.

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store

Install, configure and generate AccessKey and SecretKey for HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store.

To work with S3 processors, you must specify the following: